That last 3-6 months I have been bringing up the same three points/questions about the airport:
1 RFP the entire airport
Although we have been talking about privatizing the airport for 4-5 years, it looks like this will become a reality.
2 Status of Avports
Found out that Avports was not given the information that they requested, but are still looking at the numbers that were on-line.
3 Estimated Savings to downgrade to General Aviation
Nobody has worked on this.
At least one thing is being done.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
New version of the song will have to be recorded
"one out of three ain't bad"
Also, we have to wonder if this leasing plan is just a veiled threat to move Massport off the dime. Kind of like the gal waiting 9+ years for her diamond that may never come........some of the shine comes off the future bride to be after 9+ years. She moves on in search of a new suitors and the new suitors begin to wonder why she's still on the bridal wannabe runway?
She can have some cosmetic "work done" like a new road and some assphalt paving.......maybe raze her old towers.........but shes still just a pig with new lipstick who cant undo what the years have done to her.
BTW I sure as hell hope they dont put mimimim bids thresholds on these RFP' municipal managers are sometimes clueless about the expenses involved in running private sector businesses.
Also......looks like Higgins Armory Museum......aint planning on coming to the AUD anytime soon................huh..............otherwise why would be putting the AUD out to bid??
How about we convert THE AUD to county jail space and we can keep the low level offenders like drunks and pot smokers holed up there.........if they agree do to community service work in the downtown area for whatever small stipend they might receive plus they get to check out the dwontown "scenery" daily...we can even rename the place the Gaud.......Guy can even park his $300,000 Swatmobile in rear delivery entrance to the it doesnt get all rusty from lack of use....maybe even parade it in Main South once a the bad guys can take notice.....& fuel injectors dont get clogged up from lack os use.
You forgot the 4th point...that you have a gift certificate to TiNovo !!!!
Harry T
Worcester, MA
It looks like Unum is moving forward with its plan to find new a new building. Click here for the story.
Anyone wanna bet they lease new space, sell their building, and leave town?
Reread the article, "None of the proposals were for developments outside Worcester, he said." He being J. Christopher Collins, senior vice president and deputy general counsel of Unum.
So none of the requested RFPs were outside of the city and they want to make a decision by December. They aren't going anywhere. I stand by my earlier prediction; UNUM annonuces they have signed a lease with CitySquare in mid-December and the wrecking ball finally swings right after the new year.
Bill, I am surprised you arent fuming today............In reading todays legals Worc Common Ground (WCG) will build 12 apts on Piedmont St At Main........correct me here but I think there were a couple of row house type structures there previously with 5-6 total units that were razed b/c the city said they were not structurally sound....(Memo to building dept....check out the salt shed at Clark St and E. Mountains St. then we can about truly imploded/unsound careful the beetles dont your wooden shoes [g])).
Bill.....anyway according to the legal Adv........WCG will build what they refer as 12-1...........12 apts w/one bedroom ANTICIPATED COST........$3.2M........repeat that for those of you went to St Johns...!!!!!!!!.......that's $3,200,000....or $267,000 per apt for a one BR apt dwelling unit.....WTF !!!!......and they get the land for prob free or close to free and they will pay nothing for water & sewer hook ups.
Now Nick K.......I know u read this blog.........Nick I am beggin' ya to do an in depth investigative piece on how the hell it costs $267,000 per dwelling unit to build a 1 bedroom apt........esp given all the freebies WGC receives....will these jokers also want me to pick up the cost of a new sidewlak and street there tooo.
Nick...............$267,000 will buy a nice home on Worcesters west side nowadays.......and these non profits will throw 267,000 down a rat hole to build a 1 BR apt in the middle of Worc's ghetto !!!!!!!...............WTH has their hand in the cookie jar on this deal???
I mean the CEO's of a lot of these non profits are clueleess about building....they just happen to have the right poilitical connections........but this is preposterous and outrage.......what does this come out to on per sq foot basis?
Also should WGC first start their project on Mason St that was supposed to start in Sept, 2005.
I am hoping & praying thsi Fannie Frank & Chris Clod subprime morgage fallout eventually ends the markets and/or ht eflow of funds for these types of deals and waste of taxpayers dollars.....
..and I thot main south CDC was bad spending $600,000 to rehab 3 deckers.........this Piedmont/Main St project is completely off the Richter scale with costly building
Should Genesis House pony up for the funeral of a recently murdered women and should they be billed for the time of the Worc Police dept that was involved investigating this allegedly heinous, RAMDOM crime?
FWIW Genesis House appears to be a non profit organization on LIncoln st opposite Umass Hospital. They recently enlarged (doubled) the size of their buildings and site by acquiring the house next door, razing it, & building an addition on to their existing structure. B/c they are non profit, they pay no property taxes, per teh city tax not only are they non profit....but they also took a property that was paying about $2,000 annually in taxes to the city and converted the property to non taxable use. It appears The alleged perpetrator of this crime was possibly a client or user of Genesis House services???
The randomness of this is what really bothers me. When the gangbangers knock each other off, i fugure that one less bad guy at large........but this I find truly upsetting
I wonder if the management of Genesis house lives in Worcester or the 'burbs and what kind of salary do they pull out of this organization that I will conjecture is substantailly taxpayer funded.
I wonder who pays for this alleged assailiants cab ride to Genesis Club.....probably maybe even a daily cab ride????.....I have a Grant that says the taxpayers do............the guy cant take a bus? Diane claims the guy likes to walk???? he takes the cab to Genesis.....allegeldy arrives early....and then decides to take a walk and allegedly commits a RAMDOM murder.......????
Kind of Ironic how an organization named GENESIS comes s in to the picture re: an allegedly random life coming to an end.
Guess I should state my point here.................Worc is too overrun by these socail service agencies........... to teh detriment of both fiscal and physical well being of the city and it's taxpayers.........
Blogger David Z. said re: UNUM...
"They aren't going anywhere. "
They have 700 employees in Worcester. Massachusetts is known to have one of the highest labor costs in the country.
Unum has already outsourced most of the systems support to India, and the few IT people left in Worcester are production support. New development is done in ME and TN.
The old Paul Revere products are being replaced with Unum products.
I just don't see any reason why they would keep an office in Worcester when they have larger facilities in Maine and Tennessee.
How much is the Chestnut St. building worth?
How much is it worth if it's empty and the owners are in Maine?
If I owned that building, I'd tell the city I would only sign on at CitySquare if the city agreed to guarantee the sale of my building.
From what I've seen, the city seems dumb enough to fall for it.
Once they're only renters, there's little left to keep them in Worcester.
Steve, you're so correct, these high labor costs pervade the entire New E. area and the northeast in general.....and many of these high costs are caused by the politics of the day.........
a. police details
b. 10 sickdays/yr per city 'eee
c. school custodains costing 35$ an hr
d. Injured(allegedly) On Duty...13% of city workforce is IOD.
e. FF'ers sleeping on the job on taxpayer provided beds..WTH??
f. PLA's
g. M.T. airports
h. Non profits galore
i. over abundance of Pajama People housing
j. too many govt. 'eees
k. the list is endless
Citibank left the Northeast ( NYC?) yrs ago and set up their customer service centers in South Dakota for the very reason you cite. South of the Mason Dixon and west of the Mississippi you got to show up and work to get paid. (You St Johns Boys can look those up in your history and geog. texts !!!!!) ... [g]
Bill you been very busy of late?....lotta hot buutton isues laletly that aint getting too much blogging ink ?? I'll run a few deposits to the bank for ya!!! lighten your work load and your bank acct......LOL
I have been swamped. Sorry.. Hired a new guy at Advantage and besided working on my stuff, training him has proven to be more then I thought.
It sounds like you need an Associate Training Specialist.
Bill Randell ...creating jobs in Worcester! U DA MAN, BILL !!!!!
Harry T
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