July 23, 2012

South Worcester Industrial Park

Last month there was a summit meeting, have heard nothing as to what will be done next.   The $50,000 bid by the abutter that was rejected has cost the city I bet you $150,000 if you were to add in permitting fees and lost property tax revenues.

When was the property awarded to Pharamasphere?

  1. Janaury, 2008
  2. March, 2012
  3. April, 2009

Answer is  (drum roll)---- Janaury of 2008.   Four and a half years ago and the property still sits there empty owner by the City of Worcester without any property taxes being paid.

1 comment:

Jahn said...

May I ask how long has it been since SWIP was subdivided and was ready to sell off or giveaway industrial lots and how many businesses have moved into the industrial park? How many suitors have opted to go elsewhere and why? Have we terminated relationships with those who are marketing SWIP and if not, why not?

Has anyone ever tried to get from I-290 WB to the Canterbury St area by car, never mind in an 18 wheel, 65 ft long trailer truck. My point being that industrial parks generally always have E-Z, super duper highway access and most often it is interstate highway access and not just some secondary, 2 lane state highway. Urban planning 101?