Remember this?? Click here if you do not. This was one of the three reports that we were waiting for the last three years, along with the $100,000 report from IMG and the Master Plan from Leigh Fisher, now Jacobs Consulting. Now that I mentioned it, we have never seen the final Master Plan??? Ironic isn't it that we will most likely see the Master Plan after ORH has either been leased long-term or sold to MassPort?
The reason I bring up the New England Regional Air Study Plan is that the airport in Chicopee was not even one of the eleven airports even considered in the plan. It just goes to show you that waiting around for reports to be done by consultants is not a recipe for success.
Although I am extremely disappointed that Skybus has picked Chicopee, we have to give Chicopee credit. An airport that I had no idea even wanted commercial service, and was not even considered in the New England Regional Air Study Plan was able to land Skybus. Kudos to Chicopee...
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago