April 03, 2012

Ed Warneck

This guys went to about 100 press conferences, radio and TV shows over the past year.     He even responded to a question on this blog.     I have e-mailed a couple times since the flights were halted and he has disappeared.  We need to put this guy's picture on milk cartons.     

Here is his old e-mail



Anonymous said...

Direct Air could have payed for the fuel if Ed and Marshall hadn't spent the money on donuts

Jahn said...

Hey !!!!!!!!!! I like an occassional donut myself at what I think is Worc's last(?) remaining LOCAL Donut Shoppe at June & Chandler. Been quite a few months since I have been there though.

Speaking of names and portraits for milk cartons.

1. Paulie

2. David Z.

3. Worc Cham. of Comm.

Donde' mi amigos??