I really thought when I bring up JetBlue diverting one of ten shuttles to JFK from Boston to ORH, everyone would agree. We went to MassPort, the owner and manager of Boston, for their expertise and leverage to help us get an airline. Is is really asking so much for MassPort to have JetBlue move one of their flights to ORH???
It is not like JetBlue will lose money... We would fill one plane per day very easy and help JetBlue increase their customer base. The Central Mass catchment area has alot of SouthWest fliers going to Providence and Manchester. I could go on and on, but this would be a good move for JetBlue. This is not a mercy flight.
This is the example of what we expected when we asked MassPort to take over the mgmt of our airport. If our sole reason was to simply help us pay the operating deficit so we could fly a couple of flights per week to Florida, lets give up right now and downgrade to a GA airport. This should be a very easy thing for MassPort and our airport mgmt to pull off.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
It is obvious that it would be alot more complicated than simply "diverting" 1 or 2 flights a day to ORH. You cant just land the planes at the airport and expect the rest to take care of itself. Ground infrastructure has to be in place, personel, vehicles, etc. I know swissport currently handles ground-ops for allegiant, but I think based on jetBlue's past prescident, they will want their own crews on the ground. This costs them money. With only 2 flights a day, (2 would be a must for buisness travelers) they will need constantly high loads to make money. Id love to see jetBlue in worcester, but I think its going to be more complicated than simply asking them to divert.
I know it is not as simple as "diverting", but we have personel, vehicles, etc there as evidenced by our $2,000,000 per year loss.
Highly doubt JetBlue would put their own crew there, we have SwissPort. Sure it may cost a few bucks for that but we can waive some landing fees, etc to make up for it.
There is no doubt in my mind we would have high loads on this one flight per day. Remember that is their hub. Actually we would really need two flights per day,one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
If we do not think that we can support this type of flight then we may as well close the airport.
Bill from Worcester,MA said...
If we do not think that we can support this type of flight then we may as well close the airport.
Good to have you back.
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