Read today in the Telegram that the City of Worcester Housing Director resigned. Let me say first that Scott is a very nice guy, doubt he did anything wrong and wish him luck in the future.
I do, however, disagree with his Housing policy that focused on dense concentration of low-mod income developments in concentrated areas mainly through the CDC's. We need to completely change the focus of our Housing policy and as the RKG study said place " More emphasis should be placed on attracting a higher class of people, who in turn would improve the commercial vitality of the City, and allow the City to leverage more private investment to increase the amount of upper-end products."
There are many cities that do not have the required minimum low income housing units that would benefit from the skills of our former Housing Director, who was actually incredible (no exaggeration), combining and leveraging the various sources to build "affordable" units while obtaining all the underlying variances.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
WHAT?!?!?!?!? No mention of today's lead story on Direct Air where you are quoted???
Harry T
Bob Adler is a crackerjack attorney, one of trhe area's best and my OWN go to guy for certain tight spots.
I know --personally!-of deals that Hayman OK'd that were sleazy, and if I know, so do others.
If he resigned without controversy, they had the goods on him. The only question left is --is he elegible for unemployment? WHo cares really?
This is a new opportunity for the city manager to crack down and clean house for a new start in 2010--esp where we need it so much!
Bravo to you for you comments on the CDCs, BTW!
Cheez Wiz
it comes down to this.. you ask a questions of their department and everything is a secret but it is suppose to be public record.. look what we (the CBA) went through to get our budget straight and this was under $400,000.00 and we still cannot get it right...I agree with you a good guy and wish him well.... but hope they clean up this department and their department needs to realize it is not all about the CDC's
I am going to go out on a limb & will allege that if they go back far enough they are going to find money given to shall we say certain "favored players"....which money is WELL in excess of what the original contact with this (these) certain favored player(s) called for.
Soooooooooooo........ meanwhile back at teh Lincoln Sq Ranch we still have WPD payroll gate..............where it is possible for many more heads to roll???
And mean while back at the Silver St Ranch all occupants will be having less anxiety about infrastructure malfunctions during bowel movements. Chalk up these peaceful & easy movements to non existent easements. The infrasture blockage on Silver St has been illegally Ex-Laxed over onto Main St. Thanks to the DPW breaking its own rules. HOw do spell relief????
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