- Direct Air flew in and out of ORH yesterday. Kudos to ORH and Direct Air.
- Rumor mill cranking. Major chain announcement coming soon to the new Wal-Mart on Route 146
- My bet with Zimage looking good
- Another rumor mill item Heard Punta Cana in the Dominican from ORH?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
6 months ago
I have heard Sam's Club moving to Wal-mart plaza on Rt 146. So pretend that were to happen. And pretend there was a tax incentive to do this. What happens to the poor guy who leased to Sam's on Barber Ave? And the net gain would be??
That would be overkill ... both are owned by the same company...
Harry T
Great to read that Polar has stepped up to the plate for 1st night fireworks.
Kudos to Polar and the Crowleys.
Please note that none of our so called Comm. Dev'ment Corp's, or other large non taxpaying non profits, or small non tax paying non profits stepped up to the plate to fund this endeavor. E.g neither Clark University nor Genesis House nor Main SOuth CDC provided squat for this endeavor. This is paid for lock, stock, & barrel by one of Worcester's ( soon to Auburn's??) larger manufacturing companies. Many profit driven co's might tend to think why should they pay for city fireworks....as they already pay their property taxes twice over.......so why shoud they donate to the city....can ya blame them ???
I sure hope Worc Fire Dept isnt looking a paid detail out of this?
I also kinda wonder to myself how Polar lined up a fireworks display company on what would appear to be about 2 weeks notice.
Takes me 2 months plus just to get a permit (piece of paper) to re-roof my doghouse (technically an accessory structure). Next time I will not bother with a permit. KMA...LOL
A friend of mine flew out of ORH Sunday. Unfortunately, his flight was delayed several hours. He likened the experience to an empty bus station where he felt trapped. He said he was waiting to see the tumbleweeds.
Maybe one of the pizza shops that delivers should put up some signs.
Why would Sam's club and Wal-mart be in the same plaza? Same owners. Wouldn't they be just competing against themselves? Not that I doubt your sources especially if this is Beth Proko.
It looks like I may miss our bet by a few days but I'll gladly buy the drinks while we celebrate the long awaited CitySquare groundbreaking announcement.
Didnt we have a Sams Club and a Walmart opposite each other on Rte 9 in N'boro near the shrewswsbury line about 10 yrs ago...the old Kaprelian Turkey Farm site......then the Sams club closed and it's now Target................Or was it Costco that was at that Site previoulsy..........i am losing my memory here........quite sure it was Sams tho.......
I think the marketing gurus at Walmart/Sams will tell you that each possiby serves a different market. Sams def. has a market directed specifically at small businesses as well as the retail/family customer.
If it does happen at least this move will be a lateral one for Worc...assuming here the Sams club in Greendale would prob be slated to close..........unlike Best Buy which goes to Auburn.........BTW the Worc Wally World is for all intensts & purposes almost a suburban locale.............assuming u can can Call Hillbury suburban???? BTW teh Sams club in Greendale was a Pace Warehouse club that closed up after only a few years...............also the Home depot on Gold Str Blvd (behind Harr Motors) was a Costco Club after it was a Bradlees before which it was Sawyer's lumber
As bill just noted in his latest blog................fill teh city up with Pajama People (zero discetionary disposable income) and thsi is what you get.........I mena Worc cannot even supporty a Chevy (the middle middle middle middle class pack kinda car) dealership any more.
I d be curious to know if there are any other citiees in teh USA of 175,000 population that do nt have a Chevy Dealership????.......I'll betcha many/most/if not all have one????
ANyone thinnk the new Wally World will be particularly top heavy with store detectives [g]??
most recent leases in the Village of Piedmont...(2) new churches
we lose Best Buy and Diamond Cevrolet and get two new churches...now thats economic development folks...
Press conference on hate but none on the continued loss of business and the middle class in WooTown..Oy Vey
ORH did a great job just getting the planes out. Next time there is snow and there are delays, you and I should buy ten pizza, go up there and sell them by the slice.
Let's hope if/when Citysquare DOES get built, it doesn't get scaled down the way Worcester Plaza (i.e. the glass tower) did. This is what the ORIGINAL plans called for, a 50 story 211.84 meter highrise which would have been the third tallest building in New England:
Instead ...the final project turned out to be 24 stories and 87.78meters tall...
Just an FYI.
Random thots......So if they built that tower 50 stories it would now be 1/2 empty Class A office space.......or maybe Umum would already be in the extra 26 stories and City Sq would be in the toilet............as in no major tenant to secure financing......
Unum is a disabilty ins. carrier primarily or ...........right???....God help us if they write health insurance.
Wasnt it over Thanksgiving that we had a stranding at Worc Airport and all they could find for food was hot dogs......few if any eateries open on T-day......sooooo......I was wondering.....anyone think those barkers came from Hot Dawg Annie's.......on T-DAy?......where else could they have come from?...........a vendor push cart?.........if we have any left in Worc...In late nov..........i tend to doubt it........can a vendor pushcart legally go to ORH and pedal its goods under this ordinance enacted back in summer 2008?........
Word verification: whill.
what ever became of that Wild Will WooWOO character...dittos for Charley Farley??
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