April 15, 2011

Cigarette Ordinance

Can someone let me know.  If Walmart-Target or a grocery store has a pharmacy, will they not be allowed to sell cigarettes?


Steve Foley said...

What I would love to see is for Walmart to stop selling $4 prescriptions so they can continue selling smokes.

Jahn said...

Would sum1 puuuhleeeeze tell me if this thing has already passed teh CC? I thot I read in T&G blogs yesterday that the current vote tally was 5-4 agaisnt this ordinaNCE...with 2 undecidedsI assume? Do I have this correct?

And Bill what of teh Stop & Shops and (Price Choppers?)...dont they have farm-aaaahhhhh seas, too?

And Will another thing.....your boy John Fresolo... (a.k.a. St Johns[cemetary] Fresolo)....what is with this fella and his idea of a name change from North High to Teddy Kennedy 'High'?...I mean WTH....the represenative has nothing better to legislate than thsi utter foolishness? Time to bury this idea directly across the street from the old Jonesey's Bar on Cambridge St.

Must be a slow news day when the T&G lead story is a bunch of high school kids having chariot races with improvised chariots. If these were Huskie Sled dawgs pulling the chariots, PETA would be in town protesting. So WTH is PETS (People Ethical Treatment Students)....and.......goils with Togas on in the crowd cheering on their favorite chariots?........Sorry but this conjures up images of post race beer parties to me :) How politically incorrect

And lastly, dare I ask about a certain chariot that is a nuttin' Moore than a decorated shopping cart?. I cant help but think of one of Naploean Palmieri's other brillant ordinances re: shopping carts. What ever market owns that cart s/b fined b/c it has escaped the parking lot electronic perimter guard and/or we have student Grand Larceny of a wheeled vehicle? WTH are Worc's Shopping cart Police/Nuisance control officers?

This city is a joke with some of it's assinine laws.

Jahn said...

Steve....... so the new Walmrt on Rte 146 just does away with teh sale of smokes and moves em 300 ft next door to the new Sams Club.

Problem solved........ole Sammie Walton still gets his cig profits?

opppps is Sammie still with us???