Yesterday ate at Bertucci's, great new item Torta Rustica & Rosemary Sausage. $9.99-- what a deal.
Also stopped by LeRoux meats on Main Street in Holden. They opened a new retail section--highly recomment.
Lastly, just left the Wonder Bar. Still one of my favorites.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
the very first Bertucci's opened in Davis Square in office used to be next door in the late 80' was small..there was a bocci court in the basement and you could play..great place to take a date...
new burger spot Dirty Dogs on Hope ave, site of numerous Fried Clam and other burger places
Oink Cluck Moo Webster street near Hadwen PArk Market and HAdwen Pizza
Possibly the old site of Hawkeye Hamburgers ????.........."from back in the day as they say?"
Paulie...and no cards games, slot machines, and roullette wheels in the basement back much did u lose playing Bocci w/the boyz from Revere... :)
how about some Bocci at the new 224???
what will be left from Clark's pilot money after the city pays for:
Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of the Trustees of Clark University request approval of a twenty (20) foot wide driveway curb cut at the junction of Woodland St. & Downing St.
7e. Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of the Trustees of Clark University request to change the name of the portion of Downing St. between Main St. and Woodland St. to Woodland St.
7i. Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of the Trustees of Clark University request to install a Stop Sign and line at the intersection of Woodland St. and Charlotte St.
7j. Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of the Trustees of Clark University request to install a pedestrian crosswalk and ramps on Downing St.
7k. Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of the Trustees of Clark University request to install a pedestrian crosswalk and ramps on Woodland St.
7l. Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of the Trustees of Clark University request to install six (6) pedestrian crossing signs in Woodland St. & Downing St.
Thought I saw this week that Clark has petitioned City re: the part of their Pilot Payment that entailed the city giving Clark the section of Downing St between Woodland and what the hell is the name of the other street their Parking garage is on?..i think it said about 200 linear ft of roadway. I just remembered, it's Florence St.
Now just stop and think... Clark is going to GIVE (thats GIVE for you SJ boyz) the city a Pilot payment and as part of the so called giving, Clark receives a 10,000 sq ft piece of city owned real estate a.k.a. as 200' x 50' city street & sidewalks. Please excuse my ignornace, but WTF part of giving a Pilot Payment is then in turn RECEIVING free land from the city?
And we (THE CITY) just ++++ing installed new paving, new concrete sidewalks and re-set the curbings on the PArk Ave side of Downing St.
Nice to have a Clark Administrator (Gubmint Affairs) guy on the sckool committee aint it? Holy Cross just instituted a new govt relations position also. Wait until ya see what HC wants, esp. seeing what Clark has gotten and also after after handign over their BB field to the Worc Torandoes every season. Soon they'll be bangin' their tin cup at city hall asking for the BB diamond ransom. Only diff between HC and Clarks piracy is that these pirates show up in 100,000 cars sporting $1,000 suits and they ask nicely and smile. No good baseball deed goes unpaid in Worcester.
Can you imagine if a large private co in Worc asked to be given a section of city street. Phillip Napoleon would be on Polito's show running his mouth about city giveaways.
And the worse god dam part of thsi is that Clark is reportedly to be giving the city 262,000 pilot yearly. BULL++++!!! THIS IS AT BEST A 1/3 TRUTH. aS PART OF pILOT DEAL cLARK WILL BE ALlOWED TO MOVE ABOUT 22 PROPERTIES THEY OWN IN THEIR IMMEDAITE AREA FROM TAXABLE TO TAX EXMEPT,......costing the city 162,000 in lost tax revenue.
Sorry, but I mean how ++++ing stupid is city hall? Add in the value of the Downing/Woodland street 10,000 sq ft giveway and the fact that Clark gets to spend a huge part of this 262,000 pilot payment sprucing up their immediate environs........and city has got nothing from this deal. They should just rent them the section of Dwoning St.
How would u feel if you lived in Downing St Area and read the paper last fall about thsi giveawy and you were never even consulted about it? Now they post a legal ad in the T&G "ASKING" to formamlyy give it away and in the process send out 100's of advisoires to attend a meeting about a deal that is already DONE. I mean comer on city hall. you aleardy agreed to give it Clark, now u want the nieghborhoods input?
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