One company, let's call it the Telegram owned by a company outside of Worcester, owned in an older building downtown that they owe absolutley nothing on since there was alot of empty space. They sell the building to the WBDC, but rent some space downtown to keep the newspaper going. Prinitng operation also have moved out of Millbury. We all agree that the future of the Telegram does not look good in Worcester.
Another company, let's call it UNUM, also has an older building that they owe absolutely nothing and I don't believe they either use their space to the optimum. They also are moving to some office space downtown, have moved some operations to other places , but have not sold their building yet...
Can someone, (Dave Z) explain the difference between UNUM and the Telegram other then one has sold their buiding and the other has not.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago