Great show!! If you have a chance watch it NBC 's new sports network, use to be versus on Charter (Channel 40). Excellent!!
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
What an embarrassment to canada. Bunch of slow, fat, balding, retarded goons learning to play modern hockey. Refused to shake hands after game 1. Disgraceful.
Anon its called North American style hockey. Its beat up wear em out hockey. Unlike Eurotrash hockey on bigger ive surfaces to avoid hits
What about our War on Ice last Nov. on I-190......trying to survey and fight back the iced and broken trees with infra red Knight vision goggles.
And to think that there were thots back in the mid 70's of not even building that stretch hi-way.
Hey Maybe they should have built the proposed I-695 through SLummerville and clean that place up a little instead of I-190 which sees litle traffic :)
iF i LIVED near 701 Main St (current PIP) and wanted them gone and/or downsized ASAP, I would be standing outside PIP last night and again tonight with a secret camera embedded in my ski parka and a counting device buried in my right hand and I would video and manually count how many bums bedded down there on these cold nights and I would insist that Code enforcement either enforce the allowed limit for sleepovers & pajama peopel parties at PIP or I would call 3 or 4 different state and fedearl enforcment agencies starting w/state fire marshalls office and if that didnt work I'd call T&G. I would also borrow Tim's night vision goggles to enhance my night time vision on this danger mission :)
This is a great way to get PIP and/or SMOC either out of Worc or at least downsized and also a great way to bring to light selective enforcement that goes on in Worc.
I mean if they can stand outside a 2000 sq ft , 4BR house all night catching 4 unrelated college kids bedding down illegally....takign down license plate numbers of guys & gals, then they can do likewise for PIP and esp. SMOC.
So does this make me a cold hearted person? NO!
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