Maybe this is old news??
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Thanks Harry
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
hey bill,
this off topic of your post but i believe I remember in the past you talking about 5 May Street for some reason. It was brought up last night in city council, look at the 8:29 time of Jeremy's recent liveblog at the Council meeting. Some back and forth dialogue.
Also off topic, but email I recieved from Andy Davis...
"Ideally CAT II or III would begreat to have at Worcester, but keep in mind airlines do not require it. Category I ILS is typical for airports of similar capacity and weatherconditions. For example, shoreline airports with commercial airservice such as Nantucket, Martha’s vineyard, and Hyannis all have CAT I. Navaids such as ILS are owned, operated and maintained by the Federal AviationAdministration ( FAA) and would be a considerable investment for them toinstall it at Worcester. A significant and sustained increase inactivity and demand would be needed before it would pass their Benefit/Costrequirements.
Andy Davis
Airport Director
Worcester Regional Airport"
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