I have noticed over the past couple of weeks that there have not been any ads in the Worcester Telegram for Allegiant. At least I have not seen them. This got me to thinking, I do not remember the last time I heard an ad on the radio or seen something on television..
Here is a little test for all the readers of this blog. Comment here the next time you see any advertising for Allegiant in any local media outlets.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I wonder if one reason that Allegiant chose Worcester was because Worcester got the DOT marketing grant that Worcester has been flushing down the toilet on yet another study.
It could have worked well if Worcester lived up to their end of the bargain and actually began the multi-media campaign that they promised.
I imagine one of the reasons Allegiant came to Worcester was in fact the DOT monies. We worked hard with Congressman McGovern's office to land $455,000, when the prior two years the application was not approved.
Last month's meeting I asked for a break-down of the DOT grant monies to date. I have no idea if it came up since the minutes of the meeting are not released until they are approved at the next meeting.
TO date I know we spent $100,000 to IMG for their study, I only hope we did not spend another $50,000 for IMG to put together presentations. If we did then we spent 1/3 of the grant on IMG when these monies could have been used to advertise the airport or Allegiant.
Lets see what the report says.
I have seen ads at most local malls (Greendale, Solomon Pond, and Auburn)
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