Tom spoke with the PVD Info desk and they said that passengers were bussed from ORH to PVD ...
I can only imagine that the fog at ORH prevented a take-off???
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Anyone know what the deal is with today's SFB to ORH flight? It was supposed to leave at 7:40 and accocrding to SFB's website the plane is just boarding now at 8:45.
I wonder if Allegiant isn't as reliable as they claim to be.
Everything I read and heard was how reliable Allegiant is.. The opposite of everything PanAm was...
Since the kick-off on December 22nd, their performance to date out of ORH has not been stellar. Just checked flight 775 for today and it is (per Ryan's comment) departing 2 hours late.
Lets hope our airport administration is working with Allegiant to change this.
The reson the passengers were taken to PVD was the weather was below minimums for the plane to land at ORH. So it diverted to PVD and the passengers were shipped to PVD to board.
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