It is the time of year to apply for the DOT (note story below). We should prepare an application to attract USA3000 and/or Hooters. Although we have been told by the airport administration that we can not get another grant, while we are holding one, this is not true. I have read through the documentation and there is nothing that states this??
There are times when a consultant does in fact make sense. This is one of these times. We should retain Boyd Aviation (expert in this grants) to fill out our application. Deadline is April 7th.
DOT Seeks Grant Applications For Improving Air Service To Small Towns
Sat, 21 Jan '06
Fifth Year Of Program To Bring Airlines To Anytown, USA
The US Department of Transportation announced Friday the agency has put the word out to communities to apply for grants under a program designed to support small towns and cities working to improve their airline service. DOT representatives tell Aero-News the Small Community Air Service Development Program uses federal funds to support communities working to attract or improve air service. Congress appropriated approximately $10 million for up to a total of 40 grants this year, to help communities address their local air service problems -- such as high fares and insufficient levels of service. This is the fifth year DOT will award grants under the program.
"The Small Community Air Service Development Program supports communities in finding new and innovative ways to improve their commercial air service," said US Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta. "We are seeking to partner with communities who are willing to do the work necessary to connect their economy to the national transportation system."
The Secretary noted that many of the grant recipients from previous years have already gained new or upgraded air service because of the grants. Additionally, passenger traffic according to Mineta.
DOT will give priority to proposals from communities that have high airfares compared to other communities, contribute financially to the project from sources other than airport revenues, have established or will establish a public/private partnership to improve their air service, submitted proposals that will benefit a broad segment of the public with limited access to the national transportation system, and will use the assistance in a timely fashion.
The program was established in 2000 by the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century, and was reauthorized by the Vision 100 -- Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act, which was signed by President Bush on December 16, 2003.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Agreed. Let me restate. If we ever were going to hire a consultant, this is the one time I would not be mad. Boyd has a great track history on these applications. At the same time there is no reason why our airport director can not complete it.
Although he has indicated that we can not apply for the DOT since we have an existing grant. Reading through all the material, I see nothing that agrees with his opinion.
Bet you IMG would love to see us get more DOT grant monies
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