Here is an e-mail that I received from our airport liaison:
There are no minutes of the previous meeting on tonight’s Agenda. It is a Special Meeting of the Commission to discuss an agenda item regarding a new Swissport Sublease. The agenda on the next regular meeting (presently set for 11/13/06 at 6:30 in the Airport Conference Room) will have the minutes of the last regular meeting and this meeting to be voted at that time.
Does anyone know anything about this Swissport Sublease??? I have e-mailed our airport liaison formally requesting the minutes of this Special Meeting, along with the minutes of last month's regularly scheduled meeting, to be sent to me after the 11/13 meeting.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
It is a corporate jet that is going to be based at ORH until their own hanger is built at Hanscom.
Big Red:
Is this must be the major announcement that we have been waiting for?
I hope the other big announcement isnt just the news that that Swiss Port is signing a new lease??????
I think I remember a T&G article by stating a Gulfstream was supposed to be thinking about basing at the airport along with parcels of land being sought after.
I think this was supposed to be an announcement to be made.
Then when is someone going to pursue this identified point of contention? You've mentioned it numerous times, but I never hear of anyone actually filing a petition against what you describe as blatantly unlawful practices!
I hope it is not the big announcement because it really means squat for ORH.
Was this special meeting ever mentioned in previous meetings and then conveniently left out of the minutes?
Why not just have ONE prolonged meeting which adresses the Swissport issue AND all the regular business?
Believe me I do not want to file a lawsuite or anything like this...
My hope was that the more and more that we point out the lack of communication on this blog, maybe the airport admin will finally start listening. Truth is the more that we know, the more we would actually get involved and help advance the airport.
Sad to say it has not worked. Maybe we wil eventually get someone on the board that will realize haiving the tax-payers on their side will actually help them, not hurt.
If the Swissport Lease is due for renewal is this not the time to address getting a good FBO? Everyone knows that the Worcester Airport cannot improve, and will remain the same, so long as Swissport remains the sole FBO. I think we all know this, or at least we should. The question is, do we really want to do anything about it?? Or do we just want to sit around and complain?
Doug Robinson should be thanked for his efforts.
He has built a team of experienced aviation "Experts" to ensure quality service.
Now can I get my "patsy" disount on fuel
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