Two stories in the Telegram today. One from blog favorite, Roberta Schaefer of the Worcester Municipal Research Bureau, click here. More or less she talks about how the dual tax rate is really hurting the growth of our city and that the commercial-industrial tax base has dropped from 35% to 18% since the inception of the dual rates in 1974 (guess can not get article on-line).
Makes you wonder what this percentage will be ten years from now? At the same time, you got to wonder what the commercial-industrial base has been in the surrounding towns with flat rates during the same time period. I would guess that it has either remained the same or increased? Why don't we ever take her reports seriously....
The other story was the annual letter from the Chamber of Commerce. It is a good letter and makes alot of sense, but isn't the fact the commercial-industrial tax base has dropped from 35% to 18% a direct reflection on the performance of the Chamber of Commerce. This flat tax rate should not be a once per year issue, but a issue the Chamber needs to talk about 365 days per year.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
What a disappointment but no suprise to hear the council voted for the lowest residential tax rate. It seems funny some councilors know the current tax rate is unfair and it has hurt the city over the past 25 years but continue to vote the same year after year. I read that Germaine blames the business community for not brining up the issue sooner than yesterday, maybe so but isn't it his job to discuss these important issue with the council.
I do have to thank them for making the next election easier for me, I now know nine canidates I will not be voting for next year.
At last nights council meeting, those who get hit with the unfair comm. tax rate should have cited all the giveaways to The Hand It Over Theatre (millions), yet businesses like Polar Beverages who have been paying through the nose for years get no such huge special considerations.
Now I know why in my entire life I have caught only a few glimpses of the bull++++ that goes on dwon there on Tuesday nights thats supposed to pass for democracy............everyone wanting to a word in and 99% of what they say is just baloney & grandstanding.
That weekly meeting s/b run like a courtroom.........and anyone saying anything that is irrelevant s/b immediately be stifled and Germaine as usual is beyond any semblance of sanity.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch Mr Philip Pilot Payment Palmieri gets in his 2 cents, all the while still listed as being behind in his taxes to the city on 3 different parcels. Should one be req'd to be up to date on their taxes before they're allowed to speak on any tax issues. Only seems fair, right?
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