Allegiant (Nasdaq:ALGT - News) announces seasonal, nonstop jet service between Knoxville, Tenn., and Las Vegas, Nev., will begin Nov. 18. The company, known for its exceptional travel deals, will introduce the new service to Eastern Tennessee residents with fares as low as $109.98* one way.
"We're pleased to offer another affordable and convenient way for our Knoxville customers to get away," Andrew C. Levy, Allegiant Travel Company President, said. "We are confident the Knoxville community will appreciate flying nonstop to Las Vegas and take advantage of the great deals we offer on hotels, car rentals and show tickets."
"We are very excited about Allegiant Air's continued commitment to providing low-fare air service to popular destinations from McGhee Tyson Airport," said Howard Vogel, Chairman of the Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority's Board of Commissioners. "Today's announcement of new flights to Las Vegas offers nonstop service to one of our most visited destinations. While the service is starting as seasonal, we fully believe that it will be extremely successful and will become permanent service."
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
I'll try to beat Harry T to the punch, Why can't Worcester get an airline like this? :)
You forgot to include the definition of the * after the price. Sloppy job of cutting and pasting. What you're doing is called plagiarism Bill.
Dave....LIKE! :-)
Harry T
You know why Dave.....there are few rushing the gate to get in.....I was at a downtown.meeting the other....lots of frustrated business owners
Speaking of the Worcester business community, there will be a Citizens for Business Candidates Event on Wed. 9/14 from 6 - 8 p.m. at Worcester Fitness. Here is more info from today's WBJ Business update.
According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means
to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
to use (another's production) without crediting the source
to commit literary theft
to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
"Nasdaq:ALGT - News" in the beginning is attributing the article to someone else.
That's not plagiarism.
Waste of time....has anyone heard anything from any incumbent or candidate that makes you go "WOW THATS MY GIRL/GUY"....another election cycle devoted to lowest residential property debate and little of anything else....might as well watch paint dry.....feel free to steal that line Wild Will....looks like you have another Woostah Winnah reading your blog....lucky you
I will not cast a vote for anyone supporting the lowest residential tax rate. It is short-sighted and a major contributor to Worcester's decline in the past 3 decades as a business and commerce center.
So after a nice 3+ day hiatus from Worc here is what I come home to this morning:
A drive by Mason St seems to indicate that our favorite Mason St site is still exempt from the nuisnace ordinance??
Our mayor wants to empower all city districts by changing the school commitee election rules such that we have district school committee persons. Note to Joe, if people from certian areas of the city want to be on the school committee just run for the office....we dont need no more freaking affirmative action rules allocating school committe seats to so called underserved city locations.
We have 2 non profit chieftians/CEO's advocating for more gubmint money for higher education. Hey here's a great idea for post secondary students....get a part time job, get a bicycle or a bus pass, and then enroll at QCC or Woooo State. Lazy students.
The T&G editors deem a letter from a writer in Whitewater , Wisconsin (home of Univ of Wisc.) worthy of publication. WTF??? Writer advocates that Mass sales tax holidays are not good because sales taxes are regressive and hurt the poor. HUH????? State does away with a regresssive tax for 2 days annually and a pinko commie lib rails agianst it? Consistency please?
Labor Day has come & gone and we could have 104 inches of snow on the ground 4 months from now and still the issue of Meadow Lane residents lingers?
WTAG news says UPS wants to hire more help , but package volume first has to pick up....followed by anoterh ad piece about the post office that clearly doesnt downsize their employees and/or facilities when volume drops....ending up with billions in annual deficits and today the post office comes before Congress bangin' their tin cup again yet, meanwhile a radio spot has been running all summer by the postal union telling us they dont use taxpayer money. HUH????
Does anyone wonder why we're in the shape we're in?
BTW anyone seen McGovern during his 5 week summer vacation. Dittos for Deval and Tobey. McGovern Must be down at Seagull Beach in South Yarmouth giving the seagulls food stamps so they dont have to fly over the dump or the beach actually working for their daily food/nourishment.
And now it's day numero dos after my long weeknd and my rain soaked T&G reports Worc will file legislation to confiscate the motor vehicles of those convicted of soliciting a Ho.
I need to know, do we currently impound the vehicles of those accused of soliciting a Ho? If yes, I have to wonder what it costs per day to impound a vehicle until the jahn goes on trial for solicitation and when found guilty (after 18 months and multiple continuances) will the storage fees far exceeed the value of the jahn's motor vehicle?
In the alternate, if we do not impound the motor vehicle of teh accused, but not yet convicted jahn, wouldnt the smart jahn just sell his vehicle ASAP to aviod having it confiscated if and when convicted.
And BTW, I have to wonder how much value there is to the typical jahns vehicle? Then of course the vehcile might just be leased and not owned by the jahn.....or...........maybe GMAC has a lien on the vehicle.
I guess I am just curious how the mecahnics of this confiscation will actually play out in the real world.
An what about the Ho....any mechanical devices we might be able to confiscate from the vendor of these illicit services?
Why bother with a motor vehcile, I am having visions of jahns on bicycles soliciting city Ho's, altho I am not sure about riding a bicycle through Main South at 1:00am all doped up on Blue Pills......could make for some uncomfortable pedaling
As Bill would say....seriously......doenst the city council have bigger fish to fry? How about we confiscate the sidewalks of those who repeatedly do not shovel "their" sidewalks..........oooops we cant do that...the city owns the sidewalks that we're responsible for shoveling....or how about we confiscate the yards of those who continually violate the 12" yard growth nuisance ordinace.
Dammit, I wish I had a camera yesterday........there's the city's brand spankin' new nuisaince ord. patrol truck parked right on city property with ragweed that that had to be at least 3 feet tall.
I am also wondering if we should confiscate the cars of state legslators who park in cemetaries after closing time and get then locked in after the gates are closed for the night.
Maybe Lady Di could shed some light on these after dark seances? Afterall sometimes the dead arent even safe
Where is the promised :after labor day" story? It's not the same without you posting frequently.
No need to post Bill. We're doing fine with your less than insightful take on stories only 3 people follow. The rest of us just laugh at you.
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