Thank you for your email. I am always happy to discuss Worcester Regional Airport and to listen to ideas from the community. As for your email, I am not aware of the report you are referencing and suggest you contact the airline directly to clarify what you may have heard.
Please be assured though that Massport will continue to meet with airlines regarding service to ORH and share the market data that clearly depicts the breadth of support in Central Massachusetts for the airport.
Andy Davis
Worcester Regional Airport
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
6 months ago
So, really no answer.
of course he's not aware. did we expect anything else?
read these articles from last september.
Market data that shows the breadth of support for ORH???
Mr Davis, I am sorry but i disagree. There maybe lots of fans here in the blogging community but I would hardly call breadth of support 3 (or is it 4) large commercial jetliner flights per week. That's 1/2 of a commercial jetliner fight per day.
I do realize that there is also a fair amt. general aviation, but we really need more large comm. jetliners to put ORH on the map.
TY, for promptly getting back to us bloggers.
i think atleast 2 airliners would be enough. bring in the airliner you want the most, and give them the weekends, friday-monday, so people can get away for the weekend. let them fly to 2 or 3 destinations. bring in a 2nd airline to fly tuesday and thursday, and fly to to 1 or 2 destinations. also, i think a seasonal route to canada, toronto and montreal, would be popular during the winter months, espcially for those who like to go to canada or go see the bruins on the road. seasonal summer flights to the cape and islands. i know most, if not none of these ideas will ever be reality, im just thinking out loud, but Mr. davis did tell bill in his response to submit any ideas to him if he had any. i give bill permission to use any of mine if he likes them. :)
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