- access road not needed to get good quality airlines
- upgrade in landing system will cost 30 million
- take 6-7 years
Here are my thoughts.
- Good thing the City of Worcester was not in the airport business anymore since there is no way in hell we could ever consdier taling something like this on. MassPort can do this and it fits into their budget no problem.
- Will do it. They have to!!! They bought the airport and they know to make ORH an airport that can actually improve MassPort's bottom line, they will have to do it.
- How often would an upgrade in the landing system actuallly improve the take-off and landing percentage. I can only think of a handful of times that a plane was diverted to another airport because it was not able to land at ORH. I have e-mailed Andy Davis, the director at ORH, for the exact numbers.
- What if I flew to Florida and on the way back was not able to land at ORH but was diverted to BOS. So what? I go Boston already!!!
- MassPort should merely plan for this and hire 3 or 4 buses to load luggage right into a bus and drive people to Boston from ORH or to ORH from Boston when the current landing equipment is not sufficient
- Add $5 to each ticket sold for MassPort to cover these trips?
Was this good news yesterday? On one hand since it seems people are finally starting to accept the fact it is not access road that has hurt Worcester but the lack of quality airlines. MassPort will invest the money to upgrade the facility to attract good airlines and in the meantime we can still attract an airline like jetBlue with leisure service to Florida and the Caribbean.
they say 6-7 years to complete, im sure we can count on environmentalists and local residents suing to stop this, which would delay the project.
Does anyone mind if we approaching this land system with at least a mimimum business sense? $32M and what can Massport at Worc. expect for a return on this $32M? Please, let's cease with all the other BS and first and foremost look at the numbers.
$32M for this next boondoggle is as bad as, if not worse than, 950 sq ft apts costing the taxpayers $250K to $514K.
Even it if brings Worc Airport 10 commercial flights daily, it comes no where near paying for itself, besides which 10 commercial flights daily means a parking garage would have to be built and rest assured neighborhoods activists would B++++ about the noise and the fools on the CC would back the obstructionists
We proably heard the same BS 20 years about building a new terminal and how this would result in Worc Airport rising from the ashes. This place will only succeed, if at all, as cargo hub. Worc does not have the business base to support an airport dependent on commercial passenger flights.
Acccess road not needed? Years 100,000's of passngers found their way to the airport. OK. But years ago Bradley, TF Greene, and Manchester were not even on the radar of those in the Worc airport catchment area and the feeder highways to these places didnt even exist.
Bill, what is that new (?) blue and white metal industrial building that I can see from Canterbury st. that seems to be on the site of the old Worc Foundry? Does The S Worc Industrial Park have a new industrial/manufactuing business in there? If yes, great to see it !
Also today on Mason St (guess where) I see more dumping of what appears to be excavated dirt and ledge. I assume they have either a building permit or a special permit to dump fill. I also assume they have a zoning variance that allows them to create slopes in excess of 8%? Whether this dumping is temporary or not it needs to be properly permitted
Blue and White building is an old building
Absolute Machine bought it and fixed it up
6-7 years is ridiculous, and misses the market.
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