Can someone forward costs and who is paying what for it?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Are you talking about the library lot plans? I was told that this would be about $20 million and that the institutions involved (Worcester State, Assumption, Worcester Academy) would pay.
you are invited to follow my blog
If these institutions want a new hockey rink let them build it as a joint venture. Worcester state would have had a hockey rink last week if it was a little bit colder.
Keep the city out of it. The city already owns one hockey rink.
Why would the city as owner of an exisitng hockey rink want to bring hockey rink competition to the downtown and why in Lords name would the city want to subsidize or finance it. Every dam rink, arena, stadium, etc. that any municipality has ever taken part in has been a financial disaster.
Does Clark or WPI have a hockey?
Is the state owned rink on Lake Ave still in operation?
And speaking of Lake Ave .it has been what....about 3 years now that N Lake Ave has allegedly been slipping or sliding into Lake Quinsigamond with the result that N Lake Ave, which is a feeder Street to UMAss med center, is down to one lane for about 300 ft
Lets get this fixed ASAP and forget the idea of a so called Linear park in that area.
I need to get up to speed on facts here. Got alot of other things going...
I thought it was a joint venture of the colleges??? I say give them the SWIP land since it would only help the area
South Worcester Industrial Park is a complete mess and nothing has been done and nothing will be done until different forces take it over..
Not trying to beat you up here. Just beating this idea of more taxpayers subsidies for non profits. I know you're a busy guy and I do need this blog to blow off some steam. :)
With the big push for college pilot payments, it just seems to be contradictory for the city to be giving the colleges anything. Again, for the record, I am opposed to Pilot payments b/c I say let city slash expenses then they can ask for donations from the colleges. BTW some of pilot payment programs are a joke. Clark & WPI come to mind. Who in their right mind would give the city any kinda donation given how inefficent our city operations are and how city policies keep digging us deeper & deeper into bankruptcy, plus the fact the city has been technically bankrupt for decades.
The so called Urban Village idea that has been bandied about for College Hill would be a great site for a joint venture rink with probably the best access to I-290 of any possible site. WTH, Give em Caro St, too What's good for West St and Downing St, is surely good for Caro St, too.
If they city wanted to give a SWIP site to a privately held company that is going produce real jobs....then Hey give it to it to non profits.
I think we also have to keep in mind the size of the endowments that some of these colleges have. Ya gotta have a real pair of Big Brass ones to come bangin' your tin cup looking for taxpayers subsidies (land) to subsidize of all things, a sports complex....and of all things a sports complex for kids attending colleges that cost $55,000 a year to attend and for colleges who are paying pinko commie, liberal, pie in the sky professors $100,000 annually for 28 weeks (two 14 week semesters) of work.....make it 29 extra week to correct final exams.
BTW speaking of subsidizing non profits, did anyone see the T&G piece a few days ago touting the so called success of the Hand It Over Theater. How fast newspaper reporters forget that the Hand It Over Theatre would be no where near succesful if they had to pay real estate taxes........and dont even mention the zillions in taxpayer subsidies to re-hab the place.
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