I am really getting concerned about ticket sales.. To that end I will mail a letter to the airport liaison requesting updated ticket sales.
Please note below, the activity on http://www.flyorh.com
It peaked in March and has gone down each month.. Will Allegiant be able to fill four flights per week during the summer months?
Off topic, but will the Master Plan Meeting be televised by Worc Channel 3 since it is a public meeting for those who cannot attend?
I hope so.. I have a Planning Board meeting that night and may not be able to make it.
Why not televise the Airport Commission mtgs as well?
I spoke with Mauro Depisquale at Ch. 13 about televising these two meetings. Why not ask the commission if we can set up a camera with a live feed?
Lets see why people aren't flying out of ORH:
- After ValuJet most people will avoid "Cheapo Depot" airlines unless there is a really big savings. SW flights out of PVD cost $100 more. Most people have voted with their wallets and SW has won big time.
- If ORH actually had daily enplanements all PVD would have to do is start a small price war that ORH could never survive. One well placed billboard on Chandler advertising $79 flights to MCO (and not SFB) and PVD wins. The moment that ORH looks like a threat PVD with crush it and crush it fast. They have way too much to lose to let it go.
- On the vein if ORH got the flights I suspect some of the neighbours would become a thorn in ORH's and the FAA's side over noise issues. Fair complaint? IMO notreally since ORH has been there forever but still.
- Horrible road access. Goddard looks like Route Irish in Baghdad and the quickest way out to the south is Grandview. That's just sad. Add in the fact that the last road proposal was met with nothing but NIMBYs, the chances of getting any real access is a pipe dream unless the City coughs up some serious money to Auburn to build up Oxford St. to the Pike. Oh, and raze New Ludlow ES.
- ORH has a nasty fog problem. Thank the geography for that one.
- Getting to BOS is really, really simple thanks to the Big Dig. Costs a lot more but many are willing to pay the premium.
- And of course: There are no real airlines interested in ORH. The numbers just don't work.
I'd love to see ORH make some big money but the fact is it's dead like so many other regional airports across the country. IMO it's time to put it on a DNR order, let it pass and sell off the land for housing.
The land needs to generate revenue and not an annual $3.5m bill to the City's home owners. It's as simple as that.
I apologize if I was rude. It was not intended. Thank you for having this place to speak.
PS: As for cameras IMO just show up with it. If they say no (which I doubt they would) get it on tape. If you do tape it think about posting it to video.google.com.
Bonne Chance.
Who could this be, making all these somewhat valid points? I'm having trouble reading everything after that little word at the top before "said".
As Bill oftens says: "Is it just me or..." does anyone else have an issue with the City fathers jumping all over this supposed Mill St. problem of a closed school and two vacant store fronts, one of which was the result of Price Chopper investing in a new store a 1/2 mile away?
Meanwhile airport hill sits at 4% capacity utilization for how many years now?
Where is 15(?) person "board" comprised of mostly private citizens and a few pols that should be looking with the same fervor into the airport situation which is a public asset as they seem to be looking at the Mill St. situation which is a private land use situation (excluding the school)?
Seems to me like a completely misplaced set of priorities?
It amazes me the problems that sometimes seem to be created to generate media coverage, whilst the city's real problems go unaddressed.
E.g. created problems:
1. Stray shopping carts.
2. City money for city flood victims (illegal).
3. Yellow boxes for needle drop off.
Hey !!!... Maybe we'll get an upgraded Mill Sgt. to facilitate traffic flow on the west side as well as to airport hill? Three lanes on each side of roadway?
Your asking if you guys can support 4 flights in a summer, we wonder if we can support 2 in the winter....
See our airports do have differences.
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