Mesa Airlines not afraid to start flying from airports that have little to no passengers. Check out the story below. Lets hope we are having conversations with Mesa:,_Finds_Success
Cedar City Regional Airport announced in January that Mesa Airlines would replace SkyWest as the air service provider to the airport, and despite community concerns, the new airline has found its place in Cedar City.Mesa Airlines officially began flying from Cedar City on May 7, and currently offer flights to Salt Lake City and Las Vegas.Gale Waite, airport advisory board chairman, was initially skeptical of a flight to Las Vegas.“SkyWest tried a flight to Las Vegas with almost no success,” he said. “However, I didn’t count on the demographic change we’ve seen over the past few years.”The Las Vegas flight is currently filling an average of 43 percent of the available seats, while the Salt Lake City flight only fills an average of 26 percent, said Jeffrey Hartz, a senior planning analyst for Mesa Airlines,.“Thus far, the Las Vegas flight has been by far the strongest flight,” Hartz said.
According to Hartz, the transition has been smooth, and passenger numbers continue to increase.“From our aspect, things are going very well,” said Hartz. “Especially considering we are coming into this community where SkyWest was well liked.”So far, responses from people using the airline have been positive.“I have not had one complaint,” said Steve Farmer, Cedar City Regional Airport manager.While there has been a few minor problems, Waite agreed the transition from SkyWest to Mesa Airlines has gone smoothly.“The people from Mesa (Airlines) have been very nice to work with,” he said.In addition to changes in fares and flight destinations, Mesa Airlines also flies a 19-passenger jet, which is smaller than the 30-passenger airplanes operated by SkyWest.However the smaller planes seem to have benefits. “This way, everyone gets a window seat and an aisle seat,” Steve Farmer, Cedar City Regional Airport manager, said.
The airport has a goal to achieve 10,000 enplanements throughout the next year. An enplanement is a paid passenger on a flight out of Cedar City. If the airport reaches that goal, it will be eligible for a $1 million grant, which can be spent according to regulations set by the Federal Aviation Administration.Waite doesn’t think the smaller planes would pose a problem in reaching the goal.“We do need to just about fill the plane every time, but I think we can do it,” he said
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I think we should email Mesa but what do we do then?? Tell the city we have invited an airline to Worcester that has an interest at ORH. What about meeting first with the manager? Maybe he will tell us some of the things going on.
Which manager-the city, airport? Not trying to be sarcastic Tim, but I think Bill was right in a previous blog. We are sick and tired of non information cloaked in secrecy. If airlines have been contacted and declined, state so. At least we see effort. For those naysayers that say I told you so---the heck with them. At least effort is being shown.
I think August should be the deadline for Concilor Rosen's answers. Times up
I agree with the non information but are we going to get any information from writing on this blog? I don't know why it is a secret, it would seem to only help the city if a group of citizens wanted to help out and contact a certain airline. I just figured the city manager might give us some info.
Good points Tim. I think Bill has done alot to gather info. Also I think this blog has done some good for the most part. Information is being shared, talked about, ideas tossed around. Believe me, those concerned both at city hall and the airport are monitoring this blog to see what's going on.
Guys, you are right. We can not do anything on our own.. At the same time, if we send a bunch of e-mails to a person at Delta who may be deciding what flights Mesa should fly the Dash-8 out of JFK to--can it hurt??
Maybe we can even invite them to Worcester to see the airport and meet the city admin? Tom Moore did this with Dave Ulmer, strategic flight planner, for JetBlue.. After Tom invited him, he actually came to the airport.
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