Tomorrow nights agenda number 30 filed by Councilor Rosen:
30. Request City Manager report to City Council at the August, 2006 meeting providing information and responses to the following concerns relative to the Worcester Metrowest Boston Airport: 1) What steps (including financial incentives) have been taken recently, and will be taken during the next fiscal year, to work with both start-up and expanding airlines to secure additional commercial air service for our catchment area (especially between Worcester and New York City)? 2) What charter flight and general aviation operations are currently using the airport, and what marketing and recruitment steps have been and will be taken during the next fiscal year to expand upon such operations? 3) How can non-aviation business income be expanded? 4) Would MassPort be interested in purchasing the airport, and would such a sale provide more airline activity while unburdening the City with it’s share of the operating deficit as well as all debt service, marketing grant matching funds, airport liaison and consultant costs? 5) Would the sale of naming rights to the airport generate substantial revenue? (Rosen)
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Looks like you got some work to do.
Kudos to Mr Rosen for asking some relevant questions.
Way to go Councilor Rosen. We need more support for the city if ORH is to suceed.
Great questions, including is Massport willing to purchase/lease ORH. Should be no grey areas. Yes were are interested or no we are not.
Name change needs City Council approval and maybe FAA approval, before it is official.
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