May 02, 2011

Bin Laden

Watching the news reports of his death, his first name was reported as Usama.   I always thought it was Osama?? 


Brendan Melican said...

I'm guessing you decided not to opt for a linguistics minor while working on you Economics major?


The Arabic alphabet has 28 letters to our 26 with no direct corollary for the first character of his name in Arabic. The man him self Romanized his name as Usama, and thats what the FBI stuck with. Another good example is: Qathafi, Gadaffi, Gaddafi, Khadafy, Gathafi, Kadafi, Kaddafi, Qadhafi.

Sprout said...

I've seen it both ways, I'm guessing it's hard to translate from Arabic?

Jahn said...

Brendan, time for the gub'mint and others to add another language re: everything written must be understandable in 1001 languages :).....even sum of the things that eye Right

Anonymous said...

Great - does this mean we get to roll back the Patriot act and TSA patdowns????


T-Traveler said...

Slate explanation for the spelling

Jahn said...

So i was downtown today. As I parked nearby the Common it was a tad clouldy but warm. Nice spring day. Common had maybe 40 people chillin' on it. Maybe 15 more walking across it. Twas quiet except for one group of about 7 or 8 people who I would describe as boisterois until the loud F bombing started, at which point it became lewd.

I did my city hall bizz, exited and again noise on the Common from only one group, a group that most people decided to avoid. I walked by the group of human debris, got into the car and decided to drive the entire perimeter of Worc Center parking garage. I wanted to see the demolition activity that I THOUGHT I HAD READ was occuring over near the Honey Farms store. To my great dismay I saw no ripping apart of the exterior super structure and I swear I read somewhere just a few days ago that such activity was in full operational mode.

I guess I read something wrong? But anyway Cm Mike said back in March that we would see old garage actully coming down sometime thsi spring. 7 weeks and counting...i guess???

Nice of diocese to let the city wrap the Notre Dame site in fencing with a 300 foot long mural of the future City Sq. on the fence. Is that legal????... a 300 foot long & 1200 sq ft advertisment on property touting another private business?? Oppps I almost forgot, churches are exempt from the zoning ordinance...I think? I didnt see any vendor pushcarts in that mural? Maybe I need glasses? Did I see a diverse City Sq population on the mural?

If you didnt know it, it kind of almost looks like Notre Dame will be replaced by City Sq? Time will tell??????

jahn said...

So todays T&G (5-3) has a piece re: the continued Asian Beetle problem. CC Palmieri and state rep O'Day are photoed front and center at teh Dodge Park gazebo in the Uppaaaaah Burncoat 'hood. Oddly enough it appears no experts on the topic from the fed'l gov't were present.

Flip from the first page to continue reading the story and there's also a photo of a granite marked engraved "Dodge Park". "Is it just me"?....but what"s up with these 2 photos of two local politicians holding court at a place Dodge Park?

T-Traveler said...

dont think the garage near Honey Farms is part of City Square any more, it was kept by Berkley Investments when everything else was sold

Steve Foley said...

Direct Air suspends flights to Palm Beach.

Jahn said...

T Traveler, thank you for information on that section of the old parking garage.

But i didnt see any demolition as I drove by and I swear on a stack, i read the exterior demo was underway.

Maybe I misread it????