I think the TIF is a great idea for both the Hanover and the new Cancer Center. It is the only way we are going to get any development going down there. In fact I see any future developments in the short term also requriing TIF's. Matter of fact we should just make the whole downtown a "Philly Zone":
I don't necessarily think the DIF is a bad idea either. My point is that I never liked it when people said it will cost the tax-payers nothing-that the additional income from the DIF will pay the bond. We all hope it will, but we need to understand that the tax-payers of the CIty of Worcester is making a 64,000,000 million dollar investment in City Square and there are risks just like any other investment.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I am sorry Bill, but no more TIFs or DIFs or whatever. Would u sell me beer for 40 cents on the dollar for 10 or 15 years with the hope that at the end of the 15 year period I'll pay full price for the beer I purchase from you? If so I'll stop by this weekend and u better hope my liver holds for another 25 or 30 yrs. Thanx :)
Does anyone really think the new cancer center would go anywhere except nearby the existing Med City site? Med City is just bluffing. They should join the World Series of Poker tounament with such great bluffing skills.....or maybe Med City bluffing skills are bad but the folks on the other side of table cant see through their masks and body language.
File under: All In (using other peoples money [the current taxpayers])
If we do no get any TIF's, there will not be any development and the City of Worcester tax-payers are paying back $64,000,000 all by themselves.
If we do no get any TIF's, there will not be any development and the City of Worcester tax-payers are paying back $64,000,000 all by themselves.
At the same time if we give a developer a TIF and then force them to hire UNION shops what actually is the developer saving??
Bill, there wouldnt be any $64M to pay back, if we didnt do the DIF (which I oppose) to begin with.
Tim's quid pro quo....a TIF if St V's hires his union constr guys? Afterall the original, unspoken deal with Berkely was union labor in exchange for the city building a freebie $25M parking garage for Berkley.
You suppose Tim has union landscapers take care of his yard or Joe O'B had union labor re-hab the house he bot in Main South. No way Jose'
On the other hand re TIFs, I'll betcha the new digs being rehabbed for the DA's office opposite the new courthouse aint got no pinkie ring labor working there? Probably only the more visibly public TIF jobs get hit w/this requiremtn?
Once we give a TIF to even one dev'er than they all want it. can ya blame them? Problem is the TIF only serves to raise the RE taxes for everyone else in town who has been here for decades paying taxes and now they are asked to pay even more FOR ANOTHER PROJECT THAT IS SUPPOSED TO TURN AROUND DT WORC. The defintion of insanity is............??????????????
Kinda like how a new Harrington Way Jr High school was going to turn around educational qauilty back in 1980......and 7 years ago it was decided to raze what was then a 23 year old school building and erect anotehr monstrosity to future quality public education. All the while Clark students continue to receive a great education in Jonas Hall which is now 127 years old (+/-). Logic please?
FWIW, i still do not know if CDC s are required to use union labor. My instincts tell me no.
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