May 08, 2011

Evacuation & Bunker Hill Day

Fresolo was the only Worcester State Rep to vote to have this holiday taken away.


Jahn said...

Should these haolidays be done away with....absolutely.

Wonder how he would have voted if his vote wasnt meaningless. I.e. suppose his vote was the tie breaker. Kinda like Lynch, congressman from Boston, voting against ObumaCare....only b/c his vote meant nothing.

Bill Randell said...


SOmetimes I don't know about you. Fresolo voted against it and the vote was something lie 79-75.

Give him credit.


Jahn said...

I knew someone would say just that and years ago I would have thought as you do that it's great he voted against it. I have over the years come to realize that votes have to be analyzed more than just saying a certain pol voted a certain way.

Bill, you're making my argument. He knew that voting to keep the 2 holidays would change nothing, so he took route that is most popular right now.....given the anti gubmint 'ee fever of late.

John Kerry, for example 'voted for the war in Iraq'. Sounds good enough...huh.... before he "voted against it"

Now didnt we have this same vote a year or so ago on these same hack holidays? If so how did he vote on it?.

Also I think a pols voting record s/b looked at in its totality and not just one vote.

Sorry but I see most all incumbent Beacon Hill democrats as part of the problems that continue to plague Mass.

Bill, "Sometimes I just dont know about you " :) .

Bill Randell said...


I highly doubt he knew exactly where every vote to fall. if his vote meant nothing then why not vote in favor of it and gain favor with the Boston pols?

Jahn, give credit is due.


Signman said...

How much does this cost the state. I once asked a state rep what he thought about this and his response he hates to see cuts on the backs of state workers...this holiday is a joke a no brainer

Jahn said...

No one thinks that State reps dont exchange small talk w/Uncle Sal. Surely you jest?

"Hey Sal, I need to look like I am pro private sector worker. May I vote to do away w/ 2 hack Haul aaaaaah daize?"

"Sure, by my current count it s/b no problem. If it is a problem I'll call ya from the courthouse" :)