Private Street, where my mom still lives. Road has some good size potholes but very passable. Recently there was a movement to pave the road and make it public. Many of the neighbors, and my mother did not want to spend the money on it.
The tax-payers voted 14-10 not to make the road public. Committee, not sure which one (consisting of Clancey, Toomey and Petty) recommended to make the road public anyhow??? . I have been told, however, the City is obligated to listen to their vote...... Is it just me or does anyone think this is wrong? Why have the vote? Consider this, the cost is $150 per linear foot on the street so if you have 60 feet--it will cost $9,000 dollars.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Call it the Stark reality in Worcester.
Since when does the CC ever listen to the citizens of Worcester.
We didnt want the Civic Center (now DCU) built. They built it. It was and always has been a $$$$ loser.
We dont want nor need more low income housing. They flipped us and continue to flip us the bird.
We didnt want them giving themselves an 86% pay increase 5 years ago. They gave it to themselves anyway.
So I am reading the newpapers I missed over the long weekend. Boot Blute now has a different menaing than it had in 1996? What happened? Another kick in the derriere for Pierre??
I Liked Peter. I thought he was the voice of reason, even when strongly disagreeing with callers or guests. Of course he's consv. and so am I. So what's the rumor mill say? Truth be told, lasting 5or 6 years in the morning drive slot is quite an accomplishment. Shelf life in most locales for that gig is usually shorter than 5-6 yrs. I wish Peter well, wherever he lands.
Bill, is that 150$ per running foot for each abutter on each side of the street which really comes out to $300 per running foot of street, sidewalks, berms, grassy island area, trees?, etc.
How old are the under ground utilities on this street? Do we know?
Also, any new neighbor on the street who might be a "player' in the city who may have pushed this
Converting dirt roads to paved city streets is kinda like building new parks in Worc. I.e. We cant maintain the ones we own now, yet we wanna build more ( paved streets)
And speakign of paaaaarks...has it been 2 years now that Lake Ave at Umass was cordoned off to be one way b/c the embankment is supposedly sinking and at that time 2 yrs ago there was also talk of making a linear park along Lake Quinsig in the immediate area? I guess lack of money from DC may have brought that idea to a halt???
Bill, it ocurred to me........u suppose CDBG $$$$$$$ can be used to for private street conversion. Ask RR, see what he says?
Who is the DC out there?
I mean what is good for Worc Common Grd sewer relief prjects surely is good for Tatnuck.
My parents are in the same situation. There was a vote though it was not overridden. My dad is 78 years old and hass cancer. They live on a corner lot and they just got a bill for $12,000 for paving the street. Is there any appeal process for this? It just seems so unfair to me that one elderly couple has to pay $12,000 for this.
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