Been busy lately. Long story, but I got a feeling my blog may go in a different direction or at least pick another thread over the next couple of months. What thread is that? Answer --Educating Rita. That was a movie I remember from my college days. This summer I may be bringing you the modern version regarding my daughter on this blog??
My older sisters (3) all went to Doherty, loved it, excelled and that was where I thought that I would go. Finishing the 8th grade at Chandler Junior, my neighborhood was being told that we would need to attend the current South High School that was opening (circa 1979). My parents loved Doherty, but did not want me going to South and made me apply to Saint John's (SJ). In the end South only became an option and many of the kids from my neighborhood went to South, Doherty or private school.
I ended up at SJ, where I got a much better education then I would have ever received at either Doherty or South, because I did not have the self-discipline. At SJ you did not need self-discipline, it was demanded or else because of people like Mr Moynagh and Mr Lane, who never taught a class, but both knew alot about discipline.
Trying to find that balance for my daughter has proved to be a little more difficult then I imagined.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I think I still have a couple ring bumps on the back of my cranium.
(class of 80)
<<< Not an SJ boy.... some say I couldnt pass the FF'ers exam so clearly I could never pass the SJ exam....but have I heard of a few LaNE disciplinary/motivational measures in my day from a guy who went on a full private college athletic s'ship. Joe Lane I think it was? B-Ball coach? Moynagh I never heard of at SJ. Please enlighten me. School headmaster?
I think I'll google "only son youngest four siblings"....see what comes up for traits/personalities/ behaviors. I am wondering if Worcester Common Grd, low income housing, or Worc Airport come as a possible links :).
Feel free to google "Negative Jahn Worcester" .... see what comes up. Then Google "Realist Jahn Worc" see what comes up :)
I think the attitude at SJ was more like you did all the work required (3-4 hours of homework) because you WANTED not to look dumb in front of your peers.
I was a "smart" kid, but I had stress my freshman yr and suffered from top group to mid level until I worked my way back up (no thanks to Brian Foley who is a douche)
Similarly when Mr Lane had us do the Marine level pushups, situps, each yr in gym. I was midlevel at freshamn, but I REGULARLY did them over the next 12 months so that I was above avg. Achieving THAT goal was awesome.
Doing his famous obstacle course it was encouraging to hear cheers from my fellow classmates, not negatitivity. But, like most guys, I sucked on the rope climb. Still, am glad I learned HOW.
I witnessed a school record by John Latino on a rope climb in like 9 seconds (took me 60 or so) and another time we all saw "Nifty Fifty" Jim Miekka struggle down the pole without underwear and his balls burning on the rope. (Unfortunately, Lane joked, we're not going to clean the rope, guys!)
"Concordiae Res Parvae Crescunt"
Class of 1978--maybe the best ever!!
Personally I never had Brother Burns but some of the stories I have heard about him are classic.
Bottom line is that you got out of line, you were disciplined. The disciplinarians had as much to do with the quality of the education as did the teachers.
Nice to see some SJ love. Even though I only caught the tail end of Mr. Moynagh's tenure and the era of Brothers teaching classes, the extension of strict discipline into the academic realm did wonders for sorting young me out.
Any equivalent for young women?
Nick, the equivalent for women would be the Worc police training academy where you have to able to vault a 5 ft(?) wall, if my memory is correct..but if you're women hear me roar........ that women cant be expected to do that given "lessor" upper baudy they lower the wall to 4 ft.......
In my original post i was going to say something but didnt. But given what I see above Ill say it. Then there was the alleged incident where a certain talented athlete opted to stay in the CYC league for an extra yr. b4 joining teh SJ team. Rumor had it he was shoved up against a locker and what littel excess body fat he had was twisted until shall we say a certain level of discomfort ensued. Oddly enuff he still didnt join the SJ team until the following year.
Then there was the SJ coach who cruised Worc hoods at night scoping out certain teenage drinking hang outs just in case he could catch his players imbibing adult beverages at 16 or 17 yrs old.
Word verification: "rejack"..any significance?
Also let me add there was Public school gym teacher whose "physicality-ness" with wayward students included but was limited using them as guinea pigs to demostrate wrestling techniques/holds............and that was during school sessions.....after school he was once known kick the collective asses of 3 different wise guys all the way down the street nearby the school. Seems certain wiseguys had been acting out in class with a certain lady friend newbie teacher.
Just wanna let ya know the Catholic school teachers didnt necesarliy have a monoploy on corporal punishment.
But lemme ask y'all ........are all we the better for it????
What's wrong with WRHS?
Same thing that's wrong w/Hillbury & Sutton HS ....too many hicks, hayseeds, and motorheads. Makes the Swamper dudes & dudettes look like high society. :)
David, sorry I couldnt resist. Hope is well with you.
Hey Bill, did I see a Junction Block building in teh T&G today ( 5-6)? Isnt that the one your freind Eric was (is) interested in.
I love to see those old brick factory buildings re habbed........i just hate to see them re habbed into more low income housing. I'd even settle for Eric's idea of artists cribs if it meant saving the building. I think if they just made each artist crib with huge windows, exposed to copious amts of sunlight, that they'd be highly successful :)
Where's Eric ???? of late
Malden Catholic kid here....tough disciplined school..with lots of tough undiciplined kids from Charlestown, Southie, Everett, Somerville, Medford, Roxbury, Chelsea, Dorchester, grew up quick...we had Xaverian Brothers
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