July 12, 2013

Pension Liability

Page 108 of auditor's report 

Assets Liability Unfunded Pecentage
1/1/2007 $716,797.00 $837,608.00 $120,811.00 85.58%
1/1/2008 $759,410.00 $889,924.00 $130,514.00 85.33%
1/1/2009 $631,894.00 $929,569.00 $297,675.00 67.98%
1/1/2010 $679,510.00 $987,692.00 $308,182.00 68.80%
1/1/2011 $724,998.00 $1,025,076.00 $300,078.00 70.73%
1/1/2002 $712,110.00 $1,051,191.00 $339,081.00 67.74%

Keep in mind the numbers above are thousands.  On January 1, 2007 we had approximately  $716 million in assets and we had accrued liabilities of $836 million in accrued liabilities, short 120 million.  In other the pension was funded at 85%.

Last January we had about the same assets of $712 million but liabilities have increase to 1 billion and 51 million, short 339 million.  In other words the pension was funded at 67.74%.  


Jahn said...

What about the unfunded pension liability's younger brother, the unfunded liabilty of city retiree health ins. costs? Do we actually have anything salted away for this? I dont think we doo???????

On the other hand Obamacare should eventually make this issue go away.

Anonymous said...

"You gotta lose your mind in Detroit Rock City...."

Those who don't learn from KISStory are bound to repeat it!

Spending FREHLEY in the WOO? CRISS your credit rating good bye!