Nothing on the agenda for Tuesday regarding the airport. As of next Tuesday, there are two months left in the 6 month extension with MassPort. Again we need to act surprised when MassPort long-term leases the airport for $1, while agreeing to pay the operational deficit. The tax-payers of Worcester will continue to pay the debt service approximately $600,000 per year.
Maybe we will get lucky and Mr Nemeth will write about the airport Sunday.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Worcester will continue to pay the debt service because the majority of those who vote are beneficiaries of the good ol boy club (ass kissers, city dealers, big development special interest, etc.).These pigs will vote for the same idiots and continue the status quo. The general public, disenfranchised, the people at large, homeowners , middle class, always get the screws. What else should we expect. If the airport were totally private it could really do something. We all know that. But then someone else and "the city" would be in control.
That's someone else and NOT the city would be in control.
WOW... Here is my summary of these two comments.
Three years ago, we should have put out an RFP for an entity to lease the entire ORH on a long term basis. We could have then review all the bids and picked the best one. We did not do this...
Instead we did nothing. Well, we did put out an RFP for a parcel of land that nobody bought??? In the end, we will have to accept whatever MassPort offers....
Bottom line... I think ORH will do well under MassPort, but our incompetent management will cost us for years to come..
Incompetent management is Massport for the past 10 years or so. What makes you think that anything is going to change? Massport is using this to solve a long term problem. Not much will change if they take over except they may upgrade some things that they need done for the long term. And, I don't see a takeover any time soon either. If there was a takeover in the works it would be public by now!!
I recently heard a radio ad for "Boston's alternatives to Logan airport, T.F.Green and Manchester". Since when did they become a team? I heard that ad during a Red Sox game.
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
I'll repaeat my self again: It will be AT LEAST 7-1-08 at earliest before MAssport takeover.
Anonymous, you failed to mention the biggest beneficiary of maintaining your status quo..........5000 city employees . tHE BEST thing ANY CITY VOTER COULD DO WOULD be TO VOTE FOR ALL THE CANDIDATES who are not endorsed by the cops, firemen & teachers. Any private enterprise would bave cut unit labor costs ages ago. City just cuts services rendered rather than cut labor costs.
10 sick days per year on avaerage for every city employee..............that's 4% of labor costs tossed down a rathole.....and no t one councillor will address the issue
Predictions: The fiscal 09 budget will be worse than 08's.......... Worcester...the Springfield of 2010
I will bet anyone $20 that 1/1/8 MassPort will have control of ORH via a long-term lease costing maybe $1 per year
I'll bet #400 it will not take control in December.
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