Check out there web page. The page dedicated to the airport authority has all the members and e-mails to ask individual members. In addition they have the airport commission minutes, financials and forecasts. Check it out.
They last airport minutes are, however, from July. I will airport their airport director to find out if they have had any meetings since then and how long it takes them to post. Take a moment to review the July minutes which are much more detailed then ours and they even had an executive session, which is fine. Our Board has never had an executive session!! How is that possible?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Impressive. Rockford even received awards for both financial and budget presentations.
The thing that impressed me was teh Executive Session. I realize that there are some items that need to be done outside the public view, that is when an Executive Session should be called and minutes be kept.
Our Airport Commission never has an Executive Session. Since there are never any discussion of airline or MassPort negotiations in the minutes and there are no Executive Sessions, I needs to assume the commissioners know nothing about either of these items. That would be very naive.
I can only assume the commissioners discuss these matters outside the actual monthly meetings in small groups to avoid the public open meeting laws.
aWhile back Someone here was talking about the sewer charges that were doubled or tripled just recently by the city.
I just read mcfarland today and he's yacking about the proposed new city park in the Quinsig village/ Vernon hill area.....and he says ........"that since the bulk of the funding for playground is coming from sewer fees"
You gotta be kidding me! No wonder it costs me so God dam much money just to shower once a sewer feees are going to pay for a new city playground??....and we cannot do the basic upkeep & maintence on the parks we already have.
Is Mcfarlane correct?
Can we use sewer fess to upgrade ORH, too??
Rockford Airport and it's entire staff give the impression they are proud of their airport. Good public relations = good business.
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