October 28, 2007

Nemeth Column

Sorry, still no story on the airport. Remember it is coming and here are the highlights:

  • The deal will be great
  • MassPort will long-term lease the airport long-term at a nominal amount
  • MassPort will pay the operation deficit
  • We pay the debt service (600,000 per year)
  • Betting $20 (one taker so far) that this will be done for 1/1/8

Instead the story was about Choose Worcester. Here is my favorite line from the story and may be the

He has been meeting with such key partners as the city, chamber of commerce, WBDC, state Office of Business Development, Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Massachusetts Biomedical Initiative, UniverCity Partnership, Destination Worcester, and others. “We’ve been talking with all the players to learn what they have been doing, to establish communication and trust, to see that we’re all on the same page, to formulate strategies and to find the best ways to collaborate,” he said.

We have 8 "key" partners and "others". Maybe if we had less "key" and "other" partners, people would be able to Choose Worcester easier. It will take Choose Worcester over a year just to meet with all of these groups and "formulate strategies."


Anonymous said...

How many of these marketing entities has Worc had over the last couple of decades and what if anything can they show for definitive results/accomplishments in terms of bring business to Worcester....AND........how do we know that if what they have claimed to accomplish would have occureed anyway w/o their marketing effortss...... i.e. the business(es) they claimed they recruited would have come here anyway without their recruiting efforts?

I didnt read teh article yet, but I guess we've got 8 different parties at the table now selling Worc.??

Seems to me we've got at least 8 city coucillors who religiously vote the lowest residentail tax rate....which equates to the highest commercial/industrial tax rate........AND THE WORST PART OF IT IS THESE COUNCILLORS ALL TOUT THE LOWEST RESIDENTIAL RATE AS PART OF THE REASON THEY S/B ELECTED......

we cant have it both ways.

I'll say it for the umpteenth time........thiis system of charging businesses a tax THAT IS DOUBLE WHAT WE charge residences is analogous to two people walking up to Mc Donalds.........I am a resident so I get the Cheesburger for $.99.........the poor guy behind me happens to be a business so his cheeseburger costs him $1.99.......AND THE GOD DAM CITY COUNCIL ACTUALLY BRAGS ABOUT THIS DURING ELECTION SEASON................so the businessman just waits until he crosses the Lake Quinsig Bridge in into Shrewsbury and buys his double cheeseburger there......like any rational person would

Bill Randell said...

What better way to start a week then a rant from Jahn. Love the analogy.

Anonymous said...


Just thought you might like to see how IMG claims they have assisted and currently assist the city.

Anonymous said...

I have no confidence in this group. After a strong candidate interviewed for a position (with call backs) they thought it unimportant to inform the candidate of their decision to go with someone else.

Anonymous said...

Carl Merchant sits when he pees