Midland 2nd grade 1976
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
6 months ago
Danny Bonaduce ain't got nothin' on me !!!
Harry T(he Partridge family stunt double)
Is this another high tech hit courtesy of one Paulie "Urban Core-Leone" Collyer, Don of the Village of Piedmont? Wild Will Randell was the triggerman, eh?
Harry T(oll booth hit on Sonny Corleone)
GIve you a hint Harry T is in the back row and he has hair
I heard he used to be the cute girl in the light blue dress and white collar or is that Bob Kraft
I am not even sure--which one is you
Did you have the white shoes to match that belt...such a young age for the Miami retiree look.
To all my fans and foes:
Who else would Harry T be? The biggest dude in the picture... last row, White shirt...White Belt... red pants ... all bought back in the day at the Zayre's store on Mayfield Street (currently Big Y) in Paulie's Urban Core! ... I was stimulating that neighborhood's economy back when Paulie was still in SUMMAHHHHHHH-ville learning John Travolta's latest dance moves! In fact... Zayre and Price Rite Markets were housed in what is now Big Y and Capitol Toy was on Chandler Street .... a kid from the 70s dream trifecta... go to Zayre, get some ZaRex drink mix and Kiss Alive I album, go to Price Rite, get whatever sugary cereal you saw advertised during Saturday cartoons and then go to Capitol Toy and get whatever toys were advertised during afternoon cartoons... all then Made in USA....ah memories !!!
BTW, the girl in the first row at the far right ...blue dress and blue socks is none other than Megan Woolhouse, reporter for the Boston Globe and one of Paulie's earliest media supporters.
Harry T
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