First meeting this week attended, and supported, by District 4 Councilor Barbara Haller and State Rep Fresolo. Going to be easy getting this going utilizing the Chandler Business Association (CBA) as our model. Should be alot of fun.
Our number priority is to kick start the storefront program on Southbridge Street through the South Worcester NRSA.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Back In Aug whilst in rehab I read a piece about city Sq. CM OBrien said and I paraphase somewhat:
Soon there will be a ceremonial ground breaking for City Sq.
What struck me was the term "ceremonial GB'ing" vs saying there will be ...." .....A GB'ing ceremony?" AM I reading too much into the wording?
I even think he said in Sept. There are 3 business days left in Sept.
Maybe we should now wait until early February for The next groundbreaking in Worc when Puxatawny Phil rears his cute little face from the Frozen Worc Common ground? (no pun)
My self imposed FF'ers moratorium will soon be lifted and first order of discussion will Statues in front of fire barns... and dontmean statues of Dalmations.... WTH gives ?????
i own a business property on Lafayette St.. What area would that fall under..
No within one of the five NRSA zones so you are not eligible for the storefront program.
I believe that you are within the Canal District, which is targeted for the facade program. For example, the Broadway is currently reaping some of the benefits of the facade program.
Welcome back! I have missed your take on things and your passion for Worcester.
As for City Square, patience is a virtue! The groundbreaking will be announced very soon!
Thank you David.
Patience is a virtue.....mmmmmm........I think Mr Hoover told us that back in 2005re: city Sq? BTW is he still down in Fla.
We have to watch out for Nobama- speak so please keep in mind that a ground breaking ceremont ( (notice I said "A", no the GB'ing ceremony) is merely a ceremony....kind alike a marraige has to see where things stand 5, 10,20,40 years down teh road............
Speaking of which Worc center's 40th anniv of that GB'ing ceremony must be near or just past? I am guessing it was 1968 and back then the Worc center Galleria was going to be DownT Worcs forward to mid 80's.......and the place is having forward to 1994...a la Ms. Judy Light and Worc Fashion outlets.....does a GB'ing for a structure that is about to razed sound a bit ironic.
David I think you should call Worc's building dept and ask if the demo permit has been applied for and if yes, has it been approved, if not why and if approved when will it be issued. They need to be up....FRONT ...with you
What do Wor'c pools and Worc center both have in common (no pun)....both lasted about 35 yrs until they were rendered useless.....
What do Worcs pool and Worc center not have in common......Pools are useless b/c of lack of orno maintenance........Worc center is useless b/c of lack of paying customers (shoplifters abound though)
Kinda makes one wonder what the airport terminal or Union station will look like in 35 yrs.
Sure bring on the Canal District....the city will maintain problemo senor'
David I was at a function in August. The local municipality requires a FF'er be on duty for all such functions. The owner has had to purshase a few assets at Sleepy's [g] to go feed my cows at the Big E.
These facades...isnt this kind of like Botoxing over the real neighborhood problems?
The one on Suneys does look nice and I like the styling.......but as I have said before... it's rose amongst a thorny patch of architecturally inconsistent store fronts and others on the block need to have a similar facade to make it all jive. What good does a facade do to solve Paulies problemt with his neighbors at 224(?) Chandler st? It's the people that are the problem, not the structures. The people are the trigger mechanism that drags everything down.
Now if I had a stroe front, Iwould take the money fo rteh new facade, but should the gub'mint be in the facade business, including teh Nobama healthcare facade.
Query: does ACORN have a Worcester location and if so where.
Sorry guys it's rainy Sundae aftrenoon and my basement digs are depressing me.
"It's the people that are the problem, not the structures. The people are the trigger mechanism that drags everything down."
>>younhave been stealing my lines since the day we met!
I agree with both have issues witht eh pajam people (your line), I but i wasnt a where I was stealing your line re it's the people not teh structures.
Please dont sue my for copyright violations
I was placed in blogger re-hab just before my vacation in Mid August.. My doctor said Beech Hill in Cow Hampshire would be best for what ails me. They made me sign up for a two week commitment but I managed to sneak out on my third day and thumbed a ride back to Worcester wearing only my Beech Hiil issued pajama's....
I hopped into my smoking 1966 Delmont-Olds-Jahn-Mobile and headed to South Yarmouth for my vacation. My first quest was to seek out the big red headed 255 lb. native Somerville Bigfoot who is known to frequent Cape Cod, specifically in the Camp St area. I started looking for him at the west end of Hyannis at Harrys and then continued on the to following "venues"...Baxters, The Windjammer, Mill Hill Club (closed), Irish Village, Capt. Parkers, Doyles, Summer Shack, Patrick O'Shea's, 28 Club, Irish Pub, Improper Bostonian, 400 Club, 400 Club East, Chatham Squire, Laurino's, The Yardarm, The Land Ho, and Beachcomber. He was no where to be found and I didn't dare continue beyond Wellfleet to Provincetown for fear I might be seen looking for him at Happy Hour in either the Poop Deck Lounge or the Back Room Bar. I aint afraid to be spotted at Slap The Monkey Head Shoppe as long as I am not seen in the upstairs rooms at that retail establishment.
David, do you know who looted the original site of the Poop Deck Lounge after it burned he ground a number of years ago. Hint: The Same union thugs who looted the World Center Trade after 9-11.
I have been hanging out this summer in Harwichport at the Hot Stove..The Port and Andale Cafe in the Village of Harwich
Ya they got a nice littel set up with a few tables outside on the sidewalk. I have not been there in a few yeas when it was known by other names. years ago I used to hit the breakfast & lunch place next door......cant recall name....
Paulie ANy hot lasses at teh hot stove.......u fox you !!!!
I forgot, I also looked in Brax for you....good lobstah sandwich there for you and Mom.
Port & Andale cafe..........another place with afew name changes of late. The stewed Tomato used to be next door but closed up at least 10 years ago.
I heard the Cranberry festival didnt even have a craft show this year.............bad idea the heck ya goingot get women there w/o a craft show.
I hope they at least had their fantastic fireworks display.....unlike Worc's 21 minute salute this past 4th july....
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