Friend of mine lives on Swann Ave up in the woods between Mill Street and Main Street. It is a pretty amazing place--you have no idea how large the wooded area is. He told me yesterday that he heard that there is a group sponsoring a hike this Saturday departing from Heinrich Decal.
Does anyone know any further details. The names of the group, website, etc?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Psst, Bill, read Nicole:
It's National Trails Day, and the Greater Worcester Land Trust is sponsoring the hike and cookout.
National Trails Day is being sponsored by the Greater Worcester Land Trust. This is a parcel of land that neighbors and friends have been cleaning for the past four years, and there's been extensive trailwork for the past year or so:
Is this it?
deatils on hike on Saturday
I am just curious here. Does the city own this land. If yes, why should taxpayers have to clean up an apparent city owed nuisance?
Dittos if Greater Worc Land Trust owns it?
Logical inferences seem to indicate that if it needs cleaning, it must be a nuisance property?
Sorry, right or wrong, but that's how my mind works.
Mr. Clean -- the land ownership is a kind of complicated, but essentially the city owns the land.
By your logic, any park that experiences any amount of dumping would be a nuisance property. Folks dump their personal trash in Elm Park -- does that make it a nuisance property? Or does it just make the dumpers jerks?
For many years, I kept waiting for the Trash Fairy to come and pick up the illegally dumped trash. Then someone pointed out that there was no Trash Fairy, but there was an organization called the Regional Environmental Council that could help me organize a cleanup.
Thus began the reclamation of a piece of wooded land.
The taxpayers of Worcester now have some great hiking trails and passive recreation at very little cost to them. (That is, if you do an Earth Day cleanup, Wheelabrator -- not the city --picks up the tab for the trash disposal. All of the trash collecting and trail work was done by volunteers.)
On a deep level, being a citizen involves more than just paying taxes and complaining when the city doesn't do things to your liking. We cannot continually demand the lowest possible tax rates and then wonder why no one's taking care of illegal dumping on city-owned properties.
I've found that, ultimately, complaining about why "the city" doesn't do something really means that I don't consider myself as part of "the city." While there are always areas that should be taken care of by paid government employees, this is really one that can be handled by volunteers.
If you come to the National Trails Day event at God's Acre, I can talk your ear off about security camera, legislation on illegal dumping, and how the city came to own this particular piece of land in much greater detail.
I hope to see you there.
My friend lives in the middle of nowhere on Swann Ave. Matter of fact, I believe the rock deed is right at the end of his driveway.
Bad illegal dumping in his area. Even cars get abandoned there and burned..
City should consider putting cameras up in this area.
Nicole, TY for the information. Problem in Worc is partly that when illegal dumpers are caught, if they know the right people they get off scott free. It happened a few yrs ago over off PaRK AVE BEHIND STATE LIQUORS on that dirt road that used to run between May St and Chandler which was (still is?) a dumping ground. 48 Mason St is another classic example of getting away with murder if you're plugged in Worcester
Why cant we get Lews Guests out there and clean this place up? They'd all love a few days out in the sun to earn a couple packs of smokes from the good sheriff, tan their tatts, check out the ladies :), and enjoy few hamburglars at the clean up BBQ
Nicole just imagine if the 12% of the city workforce that is allegedly out on disability was put back to work, how much labor the city would have to clean up that place. Just imagine the city clean up labor available if the avergae city worker didnt take 9.6 sick days per year. The sad reality is that city has lots warm bodies, but does not know how to use its labor force effectively or efficiently and one of the end results is that voluteers are asked (or expected) to show up on their days off and take up the slack. It is truly reprehensible
Ya see, the problem is that the only nuisnaces the city can ever see are on private property. They cant see the nose in front of their collective faces when it comes to nuisnaces for which the city is the landlord. Dittos for unsholved city sidewalks and uncut 112 inch grass at city parks. The emperor has no clothes. Do as I say not as I do. Classic city of Worcester double standards.
Thank you again for taking the time to respond to my previous post, but i can't make it on Nat'l Trails Days, but happy trails to you until we meet again :) I do admire you dedication. Unfortunately I have my own yard work to do as my grass is pushing 12 inches again :)
@ Bill -- I probably know your friend!
Getting rid of the cars is in our plans, but it requires much work with torches or other cutting implements. I think it'll be a multi-year effort.
We are hoping that blocking off the cart path will prevent further car dumping in that area.
The camera situation is complicated. The cameras the city currently uses for this need to be tied into a streetlamp's electricity. Swan Ave does not have that's out.
Also, it's a large piece of land, and if there are cameras pointing in one direction, someone can easily drive 20 feet up the street and pass undetected.
As an aside -- there is a great deal of proof needed in the prosecution of these cases. You need either an eyewitness (so, catching someone in the act) or photographic evidence of both the license plate and the activity of the person dumping.
(As I said, I can talk someone's ear off about the legal side of illegal dumping...)
So -- @ Mr. Clean -- it's not just a "who you know" (though it might be, I really can't comment), it's VERY difficult to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
I don't know whether this would be a good fit for folks from the Worcester County Jail. At this point in time, I'd rather have those folks performing their public service in a more visible place, not to embarrass them, but just because there are places that need it more than Swan Ave/God's Acre does.
I try to always look on the positive side of this: it gets me some great exercise, I get fresh air, get to listen to podcasts, etc. :-)
Mr. Clean..dont forget to add in the 60% of the Woo population on the dole...if this human force was even 30% energized either by law to receive benefits or actually did on their own just imagine how clean the city would be:>)
Of course this would require our leaders standing forward stating that as Nicole just so eloquently did that being a citizen is more than just being a "warm body"
Pretty much two ends of the street. Put cameras at each end. You take a picture of a pick up full of trash and then when they exit truck is empty?
Would that not be proof enough? not be a wise guy just asking. My friend is Jimmy Hannen, he would mount cameras off his house .
Bill -- sadly, that is not enough proof. (I've been told this by senior members of the administration, and it frustrates them even more than it frustrates me.)
In the past, we found a pile of construction debris with a whole file folder of receipts, invoices, and business cards from a specific general contractor. We gave that to the nuisance inspectors to follow up, and they likely contacted the person, but they cannot go after him for the really large fines because it wasn't photographed or witnessed.
Hope that helps!
Nicole, you come to my place this weekend and help me out. You will get your exercise, your podcasts, and some sunshine( hopefully). ADDITIOANLLY, there will be beer (TY Randells Packie), lounge chairs, T Bone Steaks, & one of Pualies NOLA bands will be playing ,too. :)
Paulie might even get his ass outta Cockle Cove and show up b/c some of the beer will be Guinness. :)
My clean up is also pet friendly. Bring your animal friends, but no alligators or Pajama People. POLITIAINS NOT ALLOWED.
nICOLE fwiw and you may know this already, but the junkyards are paying about $275 each for junk cars and they will tow them for free...but from what it sounds like the junkers may be too far into the wooded area......but if they drove em in there....i would think they could be towed out?
Good luck w/ your weekend endeavor
I do not doubt you but wasnt there a story in the Telegram earlier in the week? Guy dumpster rubbish near a reservoir. nobody saw him but they picked through the rubbish and figured it out?
Bill -- I believe that guy was dumping on DCR property in Barre and there was a whole watershed/reservoir aspect. I don't know what makes Worcester different, but I think he's being charged by DCR/the state versus a municipality.
Also, they have something they can hold over him (his license). Many folks who dump are not renting dumpsters out on a professional basis.
Jahn -- those cars are way too far into the woods and have been stripped (no tires, etc.), so it'd be a tough job. The city's tow contractor is not going to be able to take them out as is. We will likely cut them at some point, drag out the pieces, sell the scrap, and give the proceeds to the GWLT.
Then there's one of the city schools that has an illegal landfill on their property and I know exactly where it is.........well me & the city equipment operator who buried it.
I am tellin' ya, it's do as I say , not as i do.......!!!!!!!!
Nicole any chance this same guy also dumped up in the old prison camps area in Rutland?
Nicole the tires being off the cars is a plus to the junkyard b/c it's one less cost that they have to incur to dispose of teh car.
Their primary interest, as I understand it, is the scrap metal value (weight)
Nicole next weeekend you can fish tha cars out of Lake Quinsig at the old Brownie Beach site :).....if there are any left...........right where 290 crosses the lake on the side where the Armory is. Years ago there was a make shift boat launching ramp there which under the cover of darkeness morphed into an automobile lanuching ramp for cars which were under water (no pun).....trucks too.
Afterwards I'll give ya a tour of the old coal mine too :) if It is still visible
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