September 30, 2011

Sleeping chamber

We are due for their annual letter looking for the Council not to vote lowest residential.  What really amazes me is the lack of response from the Chamber, or any of our marketing arms, to run with the news that JetBlue is looking at ORH? 


S said...

When I first saw this and saw Jetblue at the end, I thought Jetblue was introducing sleeping chambers on their planes.

Anyway, I think rather than asking the council not to vote the lowest residential rate, they should be asked not to vote the highest commercial rate.

Steve Foley said...

Last message was mine - Steve Foley

Bill Randell said...


understand your point but a vote against highest commercual is a vote against lowest residential


Jahn said...

Didnt I read recently that Obrien is going look at consolidationg all these marketing "depts" that the city has. I have suggested this on here before.

Maybe we should dew away with the Chamber of Commerce, given the loss of Worc's comm. tax base over the last 3 decades and instead should institute a Chamber of Subsidized Housing. RC, Chairman.

And speaking of so called commerce in Worc, I see that Becker Coll. finally got their gubmint $$$$ for theri so called Video Games Institure (VGI). Funny part is it was just to study the ESTABLISHMENT of such an institute. ....A COOL $550,000 as i recall.

So if I am running aprivate bizz in this space, am I going ot come to Worc to expand my bizz when I have to compete with a similar gubmint funded non profit enterprise? I dowt it. Becker should go back to being a womans only college and teaching business It will help improve the HIghlnad St. boy girl ratio for the boys from the Institute, Phi Beta Capa, & Zeta Nu :)