These are used often by communities, link link, typically the Chamber of Commerce, who then literally open a bank account and then accept deposits to be used for future flights.
I was thinking we really do not have to do that. We merely pick a day, again say October 22nd. Then we work with JetBlue to add a field to their True Blue page whereby people are able to pledge monies to be used at ORH. If ORH does not get service you could still use the monies but merely fly out of Boston or Manchester.
We dont have to set up anything with a local bank but merely work with JetBlue to set it up? Then we market the hell out of it over the next month and see how much money we can have pledged. Again personally I would put in $2,000..
Imagine if we were to get alot of money pledged that day, throw in naming rights and waive landing fees???
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Hand-it-over airport.
I think you should make Jetblue's receipt of the travel bank funds contingent on service in Worcester.
Otherwise, they can simply promise to look into Worcester, and six months down the road say "Sorry, Worcester doesn't make financial sense for us - but thanks for the guaranteed sales."
Worst case scenario, I put $2,000 into my True Blue account and JetBlue does not come to Worcester.
I buy JetBlue tickets out of Boston and Manchester like I am already doing?
And speaking of air travel, it looks like maybe Havana Jim Mc Govern flew the DC coop for a day (or 2?) to come to his district and size up the situation with the supposedly soon to be closed USPS plant in Shutesbury.....once agian prostituting himslf to union labor. When was he last time he was in Worc............was it last spring??????.... when the $55 per hr nurses were whining once again about so called patient staffing ratios. Well my patience is running out with this kinda subterfuge.
No wait....maybe I am wrong........Jim musta stopped by his North Worc Abode in early August to see if it's still there and then to pick up his beachwear & Sea Gull Beachchair.
Jim claims the Shutesbury facailtty is making $$$$$$$. RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!! I Guess when it's union employeess creatign a profit.........that PROFIT aint such a bad word??? How blasphemous that James is supporting a profit making venture. Nancy is going whip his butt when he gets back to DC ;)
None of these clowns in DC ( repubs included) will make the right decision as re USPS. Rather than axe Saturady delivery they should made residential delivery 2 times a week....and bizz delivery if ya want it 5 days weekly , youll have to pay more for it.
Now my mailman is a decent guy...but I mean there's lotsa decent guys out there who are 99'ers or soon about to become 99'ers and I aint talking Pub 99
So for the 3rd or 4th time WTH is Bluto of late and what a great time to make a move on Havana. 2(?) months now outta WCRN and not peek is heard? Maybe silence is the best thing to use when you're taking your enemy by surprise??
WOWeeeeeeeeeeee and another great late Sept day today & 89 degrees yesterday. I even went out to grab a 16oz Bud export last night :). Time to export Havana Jim !!!!!!!!
You should read the daily newspaper a little closer. From the John Monahan Massachusetts Politics column in Sunday's paper. RE: Peter Blute - last item in the story.
David, TY, I did "read"
Sundays paper. I only read the first 2 sections, not sure what section that article was in. If it was in one of those 2 sections I clearly missed. So like namy other peopel today, I'll have to blame my failure to catch thta article ont eh fact is was such a great day last Sunday and I was giving teh Sundae T&G the speed reading treatment so I could get outside and enjoy the nice weekend weather.
I s/b a politician...HUH Always a GD excuse :)
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