December 13, 2009

RKG Housing Study

If you have never read it, please read the 2 page conclusion:

  • The City of Worcester should find a balance in its affordable housing needs that benefits all of its residents. Demographic indicators suggest that the increase in rental assisted living housing during the 1990's, coupled with the high supply of low value units, has attracetd lower income residents to the City. This, in turn, has not helped the residential tax base!
  • The City should be less aggressive in providing rental assisted housing if the object of the residential housing stategy is to improve the tax base.
  • Off street parking should be the priority for any vacant lot or available tax title property.
  • The CCDC's in the future should be considered more of a developer of last choice.

Looking back at this study it is amazing how right they are and startling how we did the exact opposite of what they recommended in 2002.

1 comment:

JSF said...

Article on Direct Air was in Saturday's Telegram.

Full Article

"William M. Randell of Worcester has a blog on which he comments frequently on the airport and Direct Air. He cited figures from the federal Bureau of Transportation Statistics showing that some flights during the past year have been half full or less, but he also said Direct Air is doing a decent job and he hopes it will add another destination, such as Melbourne, Fla.

In an e-mail, he said Direct Air has been good for Worcester “and is a viable option for leisure travelers to Florida, although I am not sure how well they will be able to do to Myrtle Beach. …Only disappointed that this has not led to the addition of a second or third airline.” "