About two weeks ago, I sent a letter to our airport liaison requesting number of flights and total number of passengers since inception thru the end of June. Since that time, we found out that ORH had their 100th flight and 10,000 passenger.
Monday I received a letter from Airpor Liaison Niddrie stating that Allegiant did not want to make this information public at ORH (or any other airport that they fly out of) and that the airport administration would honor that request. Guess it will to be to hard to keep track ourselves since the total passenger count out of ORH and Allegiant passengers is one and the same.
I will not push the matter, but an airport in the last year of the of its current management partnership losing $2,000,000 per year to decide not reveal passenger counts to the public is a puzzling decision.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
They reported these numbers to the DOT
January Departing Pax: 1106
February Departing Pax: 1610
March Departing PAx: 2042
January Arriving Pax: 1149
February Arriving Pax: 1294
March Arriving Pax: 2081
Thanks... Where do you get these numbers on-line??
-> Data & Statistics
-> By Mode: Aviation
-> Air Carrier Statistics (Form 41 Traffic)
-> T100 Domestic Segment .Download
Filter Geography: Massachusetts
Select: Year
Origin City Name
Dest City Name
unique carrier name
Click Download....
Again thanks...
Mr Farley's figures detail 4800 departing and 4500 arriving for a total of 9300 for Jan, Feb, & Mar.
So if the total passenger count through almost the end of June was 10,000, then it apears only 700 passengers flew Allegiant in three months (including the period Dec 21 to Dec 31).
When the 10,000th passenger is counted, I assume that includes arrivals and departures?
Can this be correct?
Also, what is PAX? Paxton?
This is awesom.
Sorry, Pax is passengers.
The 10,000th passenger was the 10,000th departure.
From the Telegram Article:
"Ms. Jacobson congratulated Ms. Dutra on the distinction of being the 10,000th embarking passenger of the airline"
This confused me also... The 10,000 passenger goal in the paper was for outbound only.
Charley cited both the inbound and outbound numbers.
"Allegiant did not want to make this information public at ORH (or any other airport that they fly out of) and that the airport administration would honor that request."
Whatever happened to the Freedom of Information Act?
Your are right again.
Technically the airport administration can not decide what information that they want to or not want to release to public, irregardless of what Allegian may or may not want. By right they need to release any information that they have which is requested within 10 days.
Now I am more puzzled.
If we had 4800 departures in Jan, Feb & Mar, then we had 5200 (10,000 - 4800) departures for Apr 1 to June 26, 2006 (and Dec 21 to 31, 2005). 5200 departures over a 13 week period = 400 per week = 100 per flight = 79 % capacity during Apr, May, & Jun
So the departures for Apr, May, & June have held steady or increased slightly relative to the Jan to Mar period? Seems a bit unusual? If this is so, I say GREAT !! Filling more seats to Orlando
during the 2nd Q is a fantastic trend, if it's true. Am I missing something here?
Mr Farley, I assume the Apr, MAy & Jun DOT figures are not available yet?
And were we not running only 3 flights per week during part of the 2nd Quarter??
You are right. April, May and June may have had an increase. At the same time, I have to believe that April/May/June have to be the peak months to travel to Florida.
I will let Mr Farley confirm but I believe airports report their numbers qtrly so the April/May/June numbers take some time to be reflected on the website.
Right now we have three flights per week. Myself I am concerned about filling three flights per week during the July/August/Sept time period.
2nd qtr we had four flights per week.
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