Today the Worcester Telegram:
The editorial detailed how the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, a 10 member board that is shaping the new health insurance law, will hold a lengthy retreat next month. Accordiing to the Telegram, this is not only "astonishing" but a clear violation of the Open Meeting Law.
Maybe the Telegram should take a closer look at our own Airport Commission. Take a look at the May Minutes, the most recent minutes that we have:
In regards to Allegiant Operations, the commissioners "were briefed on the enplaned and deplaned passenger numbers." Technically this is not a violation of the Open Meeting Law, but typical of the lack of information--where are the actual numbers?? Upon asking our airport liaison for the numbers, I was told that these numbers could not be released clearly a violation of the Open Meetings Law.
WhatI find most disturbing, however, is that you can not find any mention of any negotiations with any airlines on any airport board minutes. Does this mean we have not talked to any airlines the past 12 months?? I find this alarming since we have spent over $100,000 to IMG for airline recruitment. What about DJ Air Group,we know that we talked to them, but no mention anywhere. Maybe the commissioners have had "chance meetings" on the street or at Tornadoes games??
I do, however, agree with the Editorial when they say "there is no justification for discussing goals and strategies in secret." or " people are unlikely to find much to laugh about when the board that will be making decisions that could cost them many millions of dollars chooses to launch the decision-making process behind closed doors."
Lastly take a moment to check out our on-line petition:
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill wrote:
"Upon asking our airport liaison for the numbers, I was told that these numbers could not be released clearly a violation of the Open Meetings Law."
Wasn't the May meeting a public meeting? How does this violate the open meeting law?
The May meeting was a public meeting. The minutes did not reflect the numbers of emplanenements. Upon asking for the actual numbers, I could not get them although you showed us how we could get them on-line.
Information that the airport administration has is public.. The administration can not pick anc choose what information that they want to disperse. That is what I was referring to.
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