Last week Tom and Jahn pointed out how the tunnel problems could actually be beneficial to ORH. This week it was followed up with a story by Clive McFarlane in the T & G and various City Council orders from Mayor Murray and Councilor Petty. Last night I even watched a segment on the local news channel commenting on it and how a Boston-ORH flight might be able to alleviate traffic???
Now today's editorial:
The editorial basically clasasifies these efforts as fruitless although "if you do not ask, you don't get." This would not be so disturbing if it not for Bob Nemeth's position with the newspaper and the airport, when the editorial elaborates "Given the complexities involved in bringing in new airlines, even temporarily, the odds that the agencies will take Mr. Murray up on his offer are not good ".
Let me get this right. Providence and Manchester see huge opportunities for themselves to pick up Logan traffic, but the "complexities" are too much for ORH? I am going to put together a petion today in regards to JetBlue's Embraer 190, putting on the blog tomorrow for review then post on
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Maybe we need to know exactly what the complexities are? Schedules conflicts? Lack of personnel to handle flights? Liability waivers?
Contact negotiations for fees?
I'm just guessing here.
"Given the complexities involved in bringing in new airlines, even temporarily, the odds that the agencies will take Mr. Murray up on his offer are not good ".
These are government agencies - they have no motive to provide additional services or make money.
The people Murray should be talking to work for airlines, not the government.
The MBTA is ramping up service to Providence, when Worcester has been screaming for better service for years.
Massport has done nothing to bring airlines to Worcester, and in fact hinders the general aviation business here.
Call your politicians and tell them to start inviting airlines to Worcester.
Call the airlines yourself and ask why they don't fly out of Worcester.
The only Government Employees who will listen are voted in, not apppointed (Airport Commissioners) or hires (Massport Paid Airport Directors).
You are probably right on all your examples of "complexities", but that is business. Get it done!!
If you can not "get it done", quit and let someone else in.. We are losing approximately $2,000,000 per year and have less then 350 days left in the current agreement, excuses like "complexities" can not be accepted.
Next time your boss ask you to get something done, tell him (or her) you can not because of "complexities" and see how that goes over.
Ditto, Charlie.
Steve, Ditto. Let' us see a list of the complexities involved. One mans complexities are another man's challenges.
But, O'Brien is the point man here and I guess we would all agree he has the reputation for getting the job done. His private sector credentials show his zeal for getting a job done.
Bill, if all potential passengers from central Mass. called Jet Blue on a regular basis, like once or twice a day, we may be able to affect a change as Jet Blue would see a real demand for service. How about if everyone reading this who is willing called Jet Blue reservations at 800-538-2583 and asked for a flight from Worcester Regional Airport to anywhere? They will politely decline your request, but explain to the employee that traffic to Logan will most probably be delayed for months, and that our administration has asked Massport to help, but there has been no progress so far.
Seems Fidelity can move on short notice to mitigate their problems from the Big Dig fallout.
I realize water transport and air transport are each a horse of a different color, yet whhen faced with a dilemma the private sector seems to be able to move on short notice.
Complexities of Fidelity arranging this shuttle service??? Maybe complexities separate the men from the boys?
After posting that idea yesterday, I realize that there are far more factors to enticing an airline to a particular airport than having market demand. It just is not as simple as that. The airline HAS to be able to show a profit. Having lots of people call/write does not mean they will exclusively use that airline, no matter where they set their ticket prices. And, given that Jet Blue has been offered ORH and repeatedly refused demonstrates they know the market and have chosen to steer clear until factors change. They should not be our target for that reason.
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