Friend of ours from Midland, Michigan visited this past week-end. We asked her to fly into Providence since I feel that is the easiest place to pick someone up.. On her end she flew from MBS International Airport ( to Detroit on NorthWest and then direct to TF Green again on NorthWest.
Upon further investigation there are two airlines, NorthWest and United (SkyWest) feeding their respective hubs (Detroit and Chicago). We need to keep adding leisure like Allegiant but we absolutely positively need a a daily carrier feeding their hub.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
What are your thoughts on spearheading a letter-writing campaign to presidents of prospective airlines?
A few snail-mail letters pointing out the potential long-term access problems with Boston, and a willingness on Worcester's part to work with new airlines may do some good.
did any of you guys hear about all of the tunnel problems...not just the I90 connector but now in all of the tunnels they found something close to 1,500 problems with various tunnels...why doesn't ORH capatilize on these problems
as to the letters idea..I like it, i think we should go ahead with it
FYI: The family of the women killed can indeed sue MASSPORT since it is their tunnel, that is according to CNN and FOX, that makes me wonder if it will cause problems down the food chain for you guys in Worcester to ever get any new service.
YNG said...
that makes me wonder if it will cause problems down the food chain for you guys in Worcester to ever get any new service.
Can Massport possibly do less than they are doing now?
Does Massport have general Liability Insurance and if so, what limits? Ditto for Bechtel and Modern Continental.
I would hope that Modern Continental had to post a performance bond. Was the project ever properly completed?
What's really going to hurt is possible punitive damages. Let's hope the families are looking for a quick out of court settlement. They may need 10 million now rather than 10's of millions years down the road.
Massport, being a monopoly, can just raise fees to cover any adverse financial fallout from this tragedy and of course that always makes a trip into Logan more costly.
Letter writing is always an option, but where is our central Mass. delegation to help us grab a few of these flights? South Yarmouth or Dennisport?
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