Great story by Mr McFarlane agreeing with our discussion last week that the tunnel tragedy had the potential of being a great opportunity for ORH. Check it out:
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
So Murray is going to file an order asking Massport to consider using WRA?
This is what I mean about gov't moving too slowly. Why cant our airport executives contact Massport directly, unless they already have and they've been refused and now we've going to apply some political pressure?
Council only meets once in July and August? So will this be on July or August agenda? August maybe be too late, although Ronmey this morning is now talking a 2 month shutdown.
Also in this mornings paper there is a story about $460 million capital improvement program planned for the city and no mention of our most under utilized large capital asset. Can we put some of that money toward subsidizing the landing costs of another carrier at WRA?
On another note, before we talk a bout selling ORH let us first find out what it is going to cost us to sell it. If, for example, we still owe 15$M on the place and we only sell it for 10$M then what result?
I say let's attack some of the expenses up there first and then bring in a private sector airport managemtn team if there is such a thing.
Per usual all good points. I will find out how much the debt is. Later today I will check out the city auditor's balance statement from last year.
AS far as your other ideas about cutting costs and bringing in airport mgmt companies. Think we needed to be doing this past couple of years, now is too late.
Less then 350 days, we only have time to work with MassPort.. Maybe right now, however, MassPort will see the benefits of actually owning ORH in light of the tunnel problems.
Did you notice in Clive McFarlane's column that nobody from the airport administration called him back?
Great article! The time to act is now not in late July or August. Lets see if we can get more city officials and local citizens to show their support.
Someone should contact some airlines about using ORH (Unless the Airport Kommissioners think that's a bad idea) (/sarcasm)
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