Two years ago, one of our initial ideas were to get JetBlue to fly one of their first shipments of the Embraer 190 2 times per day from ORH-JFK. Since that time JetBlue has received the Embrear. Recently they have been deployed to Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham and Columbus to JFK in addition to the already announed Pittsburgh, Bangor and Boston.
Every year JetBlue will be getting more Embraers and they will eventually have to start looking at secondary cities.
I think JetBlue is worth pushing for again. They would give the most life to the airport. JetBlue could advertise something like, Boston's little sister airport ORH is now served by JetBlue with no lines, less traffic and convenienent departures to JFK. Fly ORH on JetBlue for the easiest trip you will take! With one of those famous Worcester yellow smiley faces on it could be their slogan.
We better move QUICK if we have any chance of this happening. We all know government, by nature, is a beast that is ususally incapable of such quick action.
Or maybe Jet Blue is taking strategic action on their own to avert Loganistical problems in Boston from adversely affecting their bottom line.
As the law school texts say: "Time is of the essence". If this has to to be run by the ORH Commission or any other such foolishness, then we might as well forget about it.
If I am an operations guy at Green or Manchester, you can bet your right arm I am thinking the same as we are, i.e. let's snag a few Logan flights whilst Boston collapses.
Think about the person who lives in Metrowest who has a late July flight planned out of Logan. I am sure they are on the customer service line to Jet Blue (and other airlines) asking: "What are we to do re: our July 28th flight out of Logan, waste 1 to 2 more hours just commuting to Logan?"
In the end the tunnel problems even gives more reason for MassPort to buy ORH.
These are the unfortunate circumstances that the ORH administration and elected officials must be constantly prepared for. They have to be able to pounce on an opportunity, not slowly react to events as they breeze by. At least ask if a written proposal was submitted inquiring about the feasibility of Jet Blue temporarily offering service here.
the thing is that most everybody loves jetBlue..if we got them to ORH..the potential for a major success is there...and it could really put ORH on the map
JetBlue flies the Embraer 10 times per day from our partner's airport, Boston. All we are trying to do is get two of the ten to fly ORH-JFK instead of Boston.
Offer them free everything. Sure maybe they will need to hire a couple of people, but couldn't maybe SwissPort (the FBO) handle two flights per day for JetBlue??
2 Flights would not cut it for Jet Blue. Lets be honest. I have always flow out of ORH for Business and Pleasure. All airlines face delays, a storm in the mid westcan delay east coast and west coast flights, even if the weather in 70 and sunny.
a MINIMUM of 5 or 6 flights...2 early AM, on late AM and 3 afternoon would be required to generate regular bookings. Hey on my 1-2 trips to vegas each year I can tolerate delays (wasn't palling on much sleep anyway). However, if I fly ORH to meet my boss I need contigencies to ensure I'm not that late.
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