This past fiscal year ending in June represented the 5th year of our partnership with MassPort. Today there is 318 days left (less then one year) until the current 3 year agreement ends. If you were the owner (since we are) of this airport and were looking at the results the past 7 years, would you want to renew the contracts with the current management? I say "no".
The airport has continued to lose approximately 1.5 million per year the past 7 years, while last year we set an all time high of $2 million in losses. If we had daily shuttles to JFK on a JetBlue or a Mesa (Delta connestion) then I may be able to accept these losses, but one airline a couple times per week to one destination? No way.
Again, it is not MassPort's fault. How can we expect them to invest the time and assets into ORH during three year operating agreements, where they have no opportunity to reap any of the returns? If you were renting an apartment, would you remodel the kitchen and bathroom? I would not.
In light of the current consolidation of Mass Pike (with Mass Highway), lets continue the trend with our Massachusetts airports and consolidate the three commercial airports (Boston, Hanscom, and ORH) under one management company--MassPort. Either we (City of Worcester) outright sell ORH or lease ORH for 99 years to MassPort. Continuing the current agreement will only result in the continuation of the same results during the past 5 years.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill Said:
"If you were the owner (since we are) of this airport and were looking at the results the past 7 years, would you want to renew the contracts with the current management? I say no."
One of the things Massport wanted was an access road. The funding was all set up, but the city let a half-dozen NIMBYs bully them.
Your point?? What next the Mass Pike did not put an exit in Worcester??
There is no access road. Based on how long it has taken Mass Highway to fix Airport Drive, one can only wonder how many years it would have taken to build the proposed access road.. Did you ever look at the plans?? In a best case scenario, even with available funds, it would have taken 20 years to build.
Bottom line is there is no access road and we have to deal with it.
My point is that the City of Worcester continues to shoot itself in the foot when it comes to the airport.
The city contracted with Massport to run the airport. The state determined that a major shortcoming of the airport was the access, so they came up with a remedy. The city said no.
The city paid $100,000 to IMG for a study on the airport. IMG said "Offer Free Parking". The city said no.
Massport may not be doing much, but how much effort do you think they'll put in when the city administration thwarts all efforts to fix the problems.
Why is Mass Highway working on a city road anyway? Shouldn't the city maintain its own raods?
Good points.. As to why Mass Highway is working on that road--no idea.
If Massport buys ORH, do then have the authority via eminent domain to build an access road if they deem it to be in the public interest/use??
Afterall, this is the port AUTHORITY and usually with that term comes the ability to do what they feel is in the public best interest. E.g. Build a turnpike (MTA) or water pipe line (MWRA) or a subwayline (MBTA) or an elderly highrise (WRA).
Would the WOrc. City Council turn down a buy out by Massport if they thought that Massport could pretty much do as they please re: an access road? Afterall, giving up power to an authority (Boston based) over an issue isnt something politicains do willingly. Witness the routing of the Masspike in early 50's. Is $1M a year enough to make them thinkk differently? OR , alternately, handing off the airport to Massport would give the Council a way out re: an access road. Tim Murray after he's sold off off ORH to Massport (and lost his Lt Gov. bid):
"Sorry, Mr & Mrs Homeowner, but I cannot do anything about Massport deciding to raze your Worcester homestead".
BTW, I think Worc. is going to get some kind of east-west corridor sooner rather than later. Call it a semi-access road.
Jahn Dough said...
"BTW, I think Worc. is going to get some kind of east-west corridor sooner rather than later. Call it a semi-access road. "
There is an 'official' definition of an access road somewhere. I believe it must be 15 minutes from a 2 digit highway, so it would have to connect ORH to the Pike, not I-290, in order to be called an "Access Road"
I assume You mean a 2 digit interstate highway and does the access road have to be w/in 15 mins of the 2 digit interstate or do you mean 15 mins to ORH from the 2 digit interstate?. I assume w/in 15 mins of ORH
I assume within 15 Mins from Rte 56 or 20 doesnt qualify.
Mass Pike Auburn Exit to 290 to College Sq to access road s/b w/in 15 mins of ORH or Pike RTE 146 exit to Access road ( Cambridge St?) should also be w/in 15 mins????
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