Check them out, click here. Will the work in hangar 2 ever be done?
On a serious note, check out the comments from the City Solicitor. Although the role of the Airport Commission has changed "dramatically" under the operating agreement with MassPort, there is still a significant role for the commission.
At the same time MassPort runs "the daily operations/acitvity at the airport", so then why does the Airport commission vote on photoshoots? Would that not fall under "daily operations/activity"?
Honestly I am trying to figure out what exactly the Airport Commission is suppose to do. Based on the Airport minutes they are not involved in the daily operations of the airport due to the operating agreement with MassPort. At the same time we know that they are not involved in any negotiation with MassPort or prospective airlines since they are never mentioned in any of the Airport Commission Minutes.
This begs the question. What "significiant role" does the Airport Commission, who represent the tax-payers of Worcester, play at ORH?
Lastly no marketing report. What is IMG doing with the 200,000?
Master Plan--no update.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
$150,000 to repair cracks in the runway!!! Is this the City of Worcester's responsibility?
OK students, for an extra 5 points on the first exam of the fall semester for Goegraphy of Worcester 101...let's play jeopardy!
Category: Infrastructure
1. "is all but desserted"
2. has more maintenance workers than customers
3. being discussed by " residents, business owners, and other stakeholders"
4. could be "converted...into a museum"
5. "we definitely do not want it torn down"
6. real estate experts dont "expect there will be any takers" (bidders).
7. with approval "will private bidders"
8. lawmakers may soon "consider legislation about (it) next spring at the earliest"
9. "it is really built for special use"
10. "plans would move forward if no city or state agency claims it"
11. "city officials need to consider the cost of potential projects"
12. "Worcesters director of economic development said...this is an opportunity to discuss....and explore"
OK kiddies, good luck on your first exam. You can expect it back next Wednesday at the latest (possibly Monday).
I know this may be a tough exam, but please go easy on the kegs & GIQ's at Fitton Field this weekend.
Bill, just for comparison purposes and should go and check the website for the Chicoppee airport (Westover Metro Dev. corp??)...see how long it takes to get their mins on the internet.
I am speculating it's faster then ORH does
Brother Jahn got the exam all corrected Saturday night. Once the Sox were up by 7 runs I shut it off and fininshed grading your exams.
The bonus question answer........
Name the piece of Infrastructure:
The recently vacated Courthouse is the correct answer.
The Worc airport was incorrect, but it's great that many of you students know that Worc does ahve an airport!
For those in danger of attending Summer school, heres an extra bonus question...put your thinking caps on!
Who has held the most jobs at teh airport including dispatcher, airport operations manager, assistant airport director, interim airport director, airport liason, and finally back where he started at ye ol FBO...Whew.
I guess Worcester is a GREEN airport with that kind of recycling.
The professor is feeling generous and will give all the students out tehre a hint:
The prolific employee's last name also is the name of a stadium in Worcester!!
One last clue before we ask you to put your pencils down folks.
The first name is the same as our illustrious Former President of the U.s. of A. nicknamed "Tricky DicK"
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