April 25, 2009

CSX concerns validated

Recently I read a story in Massachuetts Lawyers Weekly regarding the new Transportation Agency that would combine:

  1. Turnpike
  2. MassPort
  3. Mass Bay Transportation Authority
  4. as well as other state transportaion agencies

Currently these agencies are quasi-governmental agencies exempt from the Massachusetts Tort Claims Act. This new state agency, however, would fall under the auspices of the Massachusetts Tort Claims Act, which caps all civil liability at $100,000.

Must be nice to pass a law that caps the civil liability against one of your own agencies?


Jeff Barnard said...

CSX concerns have never been accurately explained in the media, with this notable exception.

Steve said...

Non-profit tort claims are capped at $20K.

who gets a better deal?

jahn said...

This what makes people cynical about gov't. Our lawmakers pass laws and exempt themselves and the governing bodies they represent from the laws.

We need a boot McGovern campaign just like they had a Boot Blute campaign back in the mid 90's. McGovern is a huge problem. Time for this joker to go. Another pol who the teachers have in their back pocket

Last summer city council passes the nuisance ordinance and guess who is expemt from the ordinance. Yup the City of Worcester. Dittos for the zoning ordinace.

NOw down on Beacon hill CSX cant have limtied liabilty if they sell their railroad rights to the state/MBTA but the state and all it's authorities have their liabilty capped at almost zero.

Congress down on capitol hill years ago passed laws re: sexual harassemnt laws for the work place yet Congress is exempt from those workplace sexual harasement laws. Yet, years ago Senators Kennedy and Dudd from Ct. go out after work and reportedly get hammered in a DC gin mill then start having waitress sandwiches........if ya can believe what Limbaugh says....nice huh........???


Well sure hope all are refreshed after the nice weekend we had.

And Binienda is on radio this morning saying Dismas House may have huge funding cut backs in future years.............yet Dismas has been on huge expansion campaign of late. Move Dismas to the suburbs along with 3/4 's of all the other SS agencies. They can paint schools and rebuild baseball fields w/o re: to if they are located in Worc or Westboro.