Thanks Rich
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Small part--I am shocked (kiddin)
At a September hearing before the committee, state Inspector General Gregory Sullivan said some developers had not accurately stated their affordable-housing profits, at a loss of $100 million for cities and towns. Sullivan testified that no mechanism existed to track which projects had been certified for financial accuracy
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
40B means building a really nice ranch in a McMansion neighborhood. Towns screwed themselves by requiring large lots which they thoughts would halt building. I hope all those developments become ghost towns and people return to more sensible housing. BTW Bill real nice ranch!
Anonymous, towns requiring large lots will not stop 40B, as 40B is expemt form local zoning ordinances.
I think what you may be referring to is that large lots are often required in some locales where there is no muniicipal sewerage system in place. The larger lots are actaully a requiremnt of the state and/or local boards of health so teh septic system and its surrounding land are large enough to absorb all the ++++ from the septic system.
Of course an enterpsring 40B'er could prpbaly buuld a mini sewerage system in his dev'ment to get around this requirement too and just get it pumped periodicllcy
True Bill - But many towns increased acreage requirements for the sole purpose of decreasing density. This caused an increase in the price of land, both because there was less of it, and because you had to buy more of it. Which lead to more expensive homes built on that land.. Which lead to a lower percentage of affordable housing... Which leads to 40b's.
Trying to manage growth by increasing lot size has caused more problems than it ever solved.
I never said increasing lot size to keep out low to mod income housing was a good idea?
I have never said low to mod income housing was a bad idea either!!!!!
All I am trying to say is that the City of Worcester is becoming over-run by low to mod income housing!!!
The City of Worcester needs to focus on building non-low to mod income housing!!!!
Why is it so bad to simply want successful people, who make money to live in Worcester?? Give the same breaks that we have given to low to mod income developers to the Berkeley and other real estate developers before it is too late..
Actually when I read that people not only do not want to stop the low to mod income train but they want to branch out into other areas of the City of Worcester, I am starting to wonder if it is too late already.
Re todays Piece (6-3) on the Summer Natl's, Mr Obrein is quoted by T&G as saying:
"The city does have any tax dollars allocated or available to underwrite siginficant costs of events promoted here"
Sometimes we all have short memories and I do truly believe Mr O'Brien is a fine city manager with a thanklless task to do ......BUT.........maybe he has already forgotten the miilons of taxpayer dollars that have been used, are currenlty being used, and will be used in the future to to underwrite events at The Hand It Over Theatre.
The city can give discounted and/or free parking to patrons of The Hand It Over Theatre, yet we have to charge for the use of parkign in Green Hiill Park?
Whats fine & dandy for the Hand It Over Theeatre (gubmint money)is somehow not fine & dandy for rubber burning, bikini clad, beer guzzling proletariat that fills the city's low income housing? TIMe to call MCAD...!!!!!
Mr Moscoffian should also immediately Hand Over any moneys owed to the city.
Why does the city have to pony up for any private police details that are not paid for by the parties who hired the detail in the first place and how mauch have we had to pony over the last few years?
And what about the low income housing "events" the city hosts into much do we pony up annually for this ongoing event(s) [catastrohpe]?
My prediction over the weekend was bourne out..............i.e. we had our quarterly letter to the editor from low income housings greatest foe. It was in yesterdays (6-2) T&G. However I was also wrong in that I predicted Yellow Boxes would be mentioned and they were not. How much do we charge to park yellow boxes on city property?
Jahn said "The city can give discounted and/or free parking to patrons of The Hand It Over Theatre, yet we have to charge for the use of parkign in Green Hiill Park?"
Have you even been to an event at the Hanover Theatre Jahn? The last time I went and parked in the Federal Sq. Parking Garage, the price was $15 the night of an event. If that is discounted parking, I would hate to pay full price.
Sorry, David I am more of Summer Nat'ls kinda guy than a Hand It Over Theatre guy.
Correct, I have never been the Hand It Over Theatre. Wait, yes I have when it was a movie theatre & I once went there and they were HANDING out barf bags for the movie......I kid you knot.....Have You ever been to the summer Nat'ls or Eppinger NH Dragway, or Loudon NH for Nascar event'd like the bikinis and Bidweiser wimmen.........ask Harry ...!!! :)
David T&G repORTED BACK WHEN tHE hAND IT oVER OPNED over a year ago that Hand It OVer Patrons (& 'ees??) would receive parking at discounted rates. I can Not speak to the amt. w/o researching it.
David, you're just another tyically negative Worcesterite who thinks all parking s/b for free :) Surely you're a city employee who thinks everything is free/discounted b/c they work for the city? :)
Just kidding Dave, but anyway I have been around this town longer than you have...I suspect....and lived through 6 decades Worc becoming the promised please pardon my skepticism....a.k.a. negativity to some :) At this point I am from Missouri as re: Worcs progress
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