I watched City Council last night. There was an order:
Request City Manager consider engaging in negotiations with the owner of the Mid-Town Mall for the possible sale of the real estate and a relocation plan for existing retail tenants and a development plan for re-use plan for this critically important downtown space.
I think the City Manager has enough on his plate with City Square and now we want him to start talking to the owners of the Mid-Town Mall?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Is the Mid Town mall basically a low life or kids hang out?
What's next....they want the Mc Faddens site too?
City Sq "expanding" already before the wrecking ball even hits?
Expansion space for City Hall?
Now the city will relocate (read: evict) the few businesses actually generating income downtown so we can have more empty (untaxed) space.
will the last business downtown please turn off the lights when you leave?
I just do not think it is the City Council's role to target privately owned property for the City Manager...
Their focus should be on city owned assets like the airport, Green Hill Country Club, etc.
I haven't been there for years but the last time I was, it was a dump. As for the city getting involved with the redevelopment of the Midtown Mall, I don't believe they should. When CitySquare gets off & running, private investment will be clamoring for that dump.
BTW, slightly off topic, does Scott Zoback have something against you? I noticed your blog doesn't have a link on his daily Worcesteria blog.
JSF, I agree re: tossing any existing business out of downtown.
Maybe we can also offer this real estate to Massport for what ever they have "invested" in it already ....which is probably zero.
Was this order filed by any particular CC(s)?
Maybe Germaine sees the site as a possible new hockey rink site or parking spaces for the CC?
Midtown Mall definately may need some improving, but I just don't think the City of Worcester should be targeting private property like this.... Just doesn't seem right??
Don't think Scott Z has anything against me?? Personally I think he does a good job at WoMag.
GM, the Mid-Town Mall, whatever.....
Relocating? Oh no! Where ever will I get my heroin - oops, I mean ninja swords?!
Well said. GM, healthcare, welfare recipients getting cars, etc...
Of all the things the City of Worcester needs to worry about, we are talking about the MidTown Mall?? Seriously how about getting a definitive dollar amount for the sale of a city asset like ORH???
I am all for the cc
working to have 224 chandler sold :)
Welcome back rba
Working at city sports on boylston today....so much life in boston
Boylston street is burning up today..so much biz happening..I work with the three retailers..marathon sports,city sports and Nike...mega retailers on the strip and all blocks away from each other...so many beautiful women..none in pajamas...running,walking,hustling to trabaja...picking up tee and running bib for my event sunday on the charles river
WTF--the city doesn't have money to open or fix the pools and we are going to develop this dump? MO'B gives away the Airport, lays off hundreds of city workers, screws up a fire fighting acad class, and molre because we don't have the money. What is this guy about?
It's the city council that will give away the airport, not Obrien.
Whats he supposed to do, keep paying city workers with money we dont have?
As far as I am concenred the fire dept s/b downsized another 50% and/or privatize it. Municipal fire depts are standing joke in these days of so few fires. Lazy jakes wont even go out and help the city with unshoveled city sidewalks which are a major safety issue for the city. So much for first responders. Macho calendar pin up boys cant even operate a snow shovel or snowblower for the benefit of the safety of the general public but they can bench press 250 lbs......
i saw another of these foolish license plates today and instead of FF on it it said FP unless I misread it from a distance Whats FP all about? Whats next........an HT license plate (Hanover Theatre).
The Midtown Mall is like the canary in the miner's cage. It's there to tell us the oxygen in downtown Worcester is running dangerously low.
A few years ago, I talked with Dean Marcus about his property. His attitude -- with which I agree wholeheartedly -- is that when the market in downtown Worcester is able to sustain something of higher and better value than the Midtown Mall, he'll be more than glad to sell the property to a developer willing to develop the property as such.
Perhaps if the business and political leaders of our fair city had done a mature, responsible adult job of marketing and selling Worcester and its downtown well to the rest of the world over the last decade or so, we wouldn't be facing this dilemma.
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